modern family | bill

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Dedicated to platinumxminds


"Hold on, you want me to what?" She asks, leaning back against the counter as she faces her boyfriend of five months, Bill, who's seated on a bar stool.

"I know it's a lot to ask, (Y/N), but Alida is a big part of my daughter's life which makes her a big part of mine," Bill says, a strong look of hopefulness in his green eyes. "All I ask is one night to get to know each other, okay? Please, (Y/N)." He then lifts his clasped hands up to his chin as he gives her a pout.

(Y/N) downs the last of her wine as she gives him a crooked look.  "Bill," she mutters, circling around the kitchen island and stationing herself between his legs. Bill wraps his arms around her waist as she wraps hers around his neck.

"This would mean everything to me and Oona," he says.

(Y/N) half smiles. "Oh yeah?"

Bill nods.

She then leans down and brushes her lips against his.

"Have you even asked Alida if she wants to spend a night with her baby daddy's new girlfriend yet?" (Y/N) asks.

Bill smiles. "This was actually her idea," he says.

(Y/N) cocks a brow, surprised. It was a bit of a rocky start between the two considering Bill and (Y/N) started seeing each other only a few months after him and Alida called it off. However, they were still friendly towards each other they just didn't see each other unless they absolutely had to.

"So when is this happening?" She asks.

Bill bites down on his lower lip. "Tonight," he says in barely a whisper, anxiously awaiting (Y/N)'s response.

(Y/N)'s eyes shoot wide open as she takes a few steps back. "I'm sorry, WHAT?" She spits. "Bill, what the fuck?"

Bill laughs. "She's coming to pick up Oona tonight so I kind of said that you could go, too," he says.

(Y/N) closes her eyes and sighs, knowing there's no way she can get out of this. "Fine," she says. "I'm doing this for Oona."

Bill steps up to her, taking her face in his hands. "Thank you," he says, pressing his lips to hers. "Alida will be here in fifteen minutes. I've already packed your bag, it's over with Oona's by the door." (Y/N) rolls her eyes as a ball of anxiety forms in her gut. This is going to be quite a night.

(Y/N) gets the last of her things ready as she waits for Alida. Sure enough, fifteen minutes later a knock sounds at the door. She takes a deep breath, repeatedly reminding herself that it will all be okay, how bad could a sleepover with her boyfriends ex and mother of his baby go?

(Y/N) grabs her bags and goes downstairs where Bill and Alida are stood talking in the doorway, Oona tucked in his long arm.

"Hey, (Y/N)," Alida says with a smile as she approaches the two. (Y/N) smiles back. "Ready to head out?" Alida asks.

(Y/N) nods as she picks up Oona's bag in her free hand, Alida takes Oona. Bill then reaches out and wraps his hand around (Y/N)'s wrist.

"Thank you," he whispers. (Y/N) gives him a small smile. "I love you," he says before giving her a quick kiss. Alida's focus is on her daughter so she doesn't see.

Bill lets go of (Y/N). "Ready?" She says to Alida. The woman smiles.

"See you next week, Bill," Alida says to Bill.

He smiles. "You ladies have fun tonight, yeah?" He says as they make their way towards Alida's car.

Alida straps Oona into her car-seat before both her and (Y/N) climb into the front.

"So, how are you?" Alida asks as she roars the engine. Quiet music starts playing as she starts her drive down the dark street.

"I'm good, you?"

"I'm excited for tonight," Alida responds.

(Y/N) anxiously taps her foot on the floor. "Me too," she says.

It's obvious there's still some tension in the air between them that both are too scared to acknowledge.  They sit in an awkward silence as they continue to drive, only the sound of the music playing in the background.

"I know this is probably uncomfortable for you," Alida then speaks, sneaking a quick glance at (Y/N). "I mean, I'm not gonna lie, when I saw how quickly Bill moved on, especially so soon after Oona came along, I was upset."

(Y/N) gulps, worried about the direction of this conversation.

"Not so much as with you per se, but the whole situation. I really saw myself and Bill together forever, you know? Having a big family together and so on. And as stupid as it sounds, I was honestly worried I was being replaced," she says.

(Y/N) shifts uncomfortably as she clears her throat. "Alida," she starts but Alida cuts her off.

She smiles and says, "just let me finish . . . when I finally met you and saw how well you were with Oona and how much you cared for her and Bill, it was clear to me that this is what was supposed to happen."

She looks over at (Y/N) whose at a loss for words.

"What I'm trying to say is, thank you. Oona is so fortunate to have such a kind, strong, and loving woman in her life," she says.

(Y/N) then looks over at Alida, her lips curving into a grateful smile. "Oona's lucky to have two kind, strong, and loving women," she says. Alida returns the smile.

"And just so we're clear, I never had any intentions to replace you," (Y/N) says. "You're her mother so you will always come first, I'll come in a close second," she says with a small laugh.

"And Bill?" Alida asks with a smile.

(Y/N) shrugs. "He fits in where he can," she says eliciting laughs from the both of them.

When they get to Alida's apartment and put Lily down to sleep, they spend the rest of the night getting wine drunk, watching movies, and sharing good laughs. They're a lot more alike than they had thought and were surprised at how quickly they clicked.

The following morning, Alida drives (Y/N) home.

"I actually had a really nice time, (Y/N)," Alida says as they pull up in front of Bill and (Y/N)'s home.

"I did too, Alida. Thank you . . . for everything," (Y/N) says.

"You know, Bill's very lucky to have you. If you weren't together, I'd probably date you myself," she says, making both of them laugh.

(Y/N) climbs out and grabs her bags. "I'll see you next week," she says. Alida says her goodbye then drives off.

As (Y/N) approaches the front door, it swings open, revealing Bill with an apprehensive look on his face. "So? How'd it go?" He asks.

(Y/N) smiles as she reaches up, giving him a small kiss. "We're going clubbing next weekend," she says before entering the house.

Bill laughs. "You know, I'm starting to think setting this whole thing up wasn't such a good idea."

Bill Skarsgård ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now