his mother (2) | roman

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note: holy shit. 200K READS!!!! You guys are truly amazing! Thank you so much to every single one of you who have taken the time out of your days to read the shenanigans i write:)) You have no fucking idea how grateful i am<3 To celebrate i made myself a new book cover haha;) Anyway, here's an update for you!

His Mother
part 2/2


Roman's eyes slowly fluttered open at the sound of the birds chirping outside of his window. Using the palms of his hands, he wiped away the grogginess as he sat up. The man was still in he clothes from the previous day, not having any recollection of falling asleep after crying most of the night. He then swung his legs over the edge of the bed, gripping the sheets on either side of him as he drew in a deep, shaky breath. 

One of the little things that made Roman fall for (Y/N) was how every morning, she would place a hot, steaming mug of coffee next to his bed for when he woke up. However, his heart broke a little more when he looked over and realized it wasn't there. 

In the first two decades of his life, he had never felt as loved and wanted as he did when he was with her. (Y/N) ignited feelings inside of him that he never thought he'd have access to, and now, they were all gone. She tore them away when she told him to leave. But, he knew it was his fault. He was careless with her which lead to his mother finding out of their encounters.

Sluggishly, the dark-haired man got up off the bed and made his way downstairs where he was to have some breakfast before school. He knew at some point he was going to have to face (Y/N) but was hoping it wouldn't be at least until after school, that way he'd have time to process and think about what to say.

As he entered the kitchen, he was surprised to see his mother at the stove, cooking what seemed to be bacon. Usually, (Y/N) would have a spread already laid out on the table as she went about getting her other chores done. The cook was only around for supper. 

"Good morning, my angel," Olivia greeted as she plated the bacon. Roman cocked a brow in confusion. 

"Where's (Y/N)?" He asked, standing in the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest. Olivia then sauntered over to the fridge where she got the jug of orange juice before pouring two glasses for both him and Shelley.

"Would you like some eggs, dear?" She asked, avoiding his question. At this point, Roman knew exactly what was going on and what his mother had done. 

"Where is she?" He asked again behind gritted teeth, dropping his arms to his sides and balling his fists until his knuckles turned white. 

Olivia then grabbed the back of one of the chairs, leaning into it as she turned to face him. "She's gone," she confessed, looking him straight in the eye to make sure he understood. 

Roman's blood began to boil at her words as a pit of rage began to form in his stomach. "What have you done?!" He growled, now assuming the worst and that he'd quite literally never see her again. 

Olivia rolled her eyes at his outburst. "Relax, darling, she's not dead," she responded continuing with the breakfast preparations. 

Roman took a step forward. "Then where is she?" He demanded.

"Would you just let this go?" Olivia snapped. "She had to leave. She knew the consequences and she chose to take that risk," she said. Roman drew in a sharp breath before turning on his heel as he didn't want to do anything irrational. 

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