forbidden | roman

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She grabbed her coat from the hook on her door and made her way downstairs. However, as she got to the top of the stairs, she saw her dad standing at the base, a vexed expression on his face. 

"Dad? What's wrong?" She asked, slowly descending the stairs. 

"Where are you off to?" He asked, crossing his arms over his chest as he blocked her path. 

"To see Roman."

He scoffed. "The hell you are," he said. "You're not leaving the house, (Y/N), not to see him."

(Y/N) could feel the rage form in her gut. She knew how her parents felt about Roman Godfrey and how they judged his character based on who is family was and known for. He was a teenager just as she was and didn't have anything to do with the family business. She knew he was a good man who loved her but clearly her parents didn't see it. 

"You have got to be kidding me," she said, rolling her eyes. "Dad, you can't just stop me from seeing him."

She knew nothing she could say would change his mind but she definitely thought it was worth a shot. It just pained her that her parents didn't approve of him.

"Not anymore, (Y/N)! His family is a danger to you and this society so I am forbidding you from seeing him! NO MORE OF THIS NONSENSE!" He yelled. "If you even think about walking out that door, don't bother coming back." He then disappeared into the kitchen. 

(Y/N) couldn't help the tears that were now falling from her eyes. She wanted nothing more than to see Roman, so that's what she did. She ran down the remaining stairs and out the door. Roman was parked on the street, waiting for her. When he saw her, a bright smile appeared on his face however it soon disappeared when he saw the state she was in.

"(Y/N)? What's wrong? Are you okay?" He asked as she climbed into the car.

"Just d-drive, Roman," she said between sobs.

"(Y/N)! GET BACK HERE YOUNG LADY!" Her dad shouted from the door. 

Roman didn't ask or hesitate as he roared the engine to life and took off down the street. 

Silent sobs still rose in her throat as they drove in silence. Roman didn't know what to say as seeing her upset was a very rare occurrence.

"What happened, (Y/N)?" He eventually asked in a soft tone. 

(Y/N) wiped away the tears from her eyes as she calmed herself enough to speak.

"I'm not allowed to see you anymore," she said so quiet, Roman almost didn't hear . . . but, he did.

"What?" He asked, taken aback. He knew her parents weren't exactly fond of him but he didn't think it was this extreme. He just hated how it was tearing (Y/N) up. 

"My dad said that if I see you, he's kicking me out," she added, holding her gaze on her lap because she knew that if she looked up at him, she would completely break down.

"He-he can't do that to you (Y/N)!," Roman shouted, hitting the steering wheel as anger coursed through his veins. 

"Yes, he can, and he did."

"Well, come stay with me then. There's more than enough room and I'm sure my mother won't mind," Roman suggested.

(Y/N) smiled at the goodness of his heart. He really was a kind man . . . well, to her at least.

"Roman, I can't," she said. "He's my dad."

Roman scoffed. "And? He's an asshole for doing this to you. You don't need him (Y/N)," he said.

Tears then began to pour over again, staining her jeans. "Please take me home," she whispered.

Roman looked over at her, confusion taking over his features. "Are you serious?" He asked.

"Don't make this harder than it is, Roman. Just take me home . . . please."

Again, Roman scoffed. "Unbelievable," he said under his breath before doing a U-turn and heading back down the street. 

When they pulled up in front of her house, they sat there in a moment of silence, knowing this was probably the last time they would be together besides school.

"I'm sorry, Roman," she said. 

"Yeah, me too."

"Maybe, once we've graduated, things will be different," she said, trying to lighten their situation.

Roman avoided eye contact, keeping his hard gaze on the road ahead.  "Maybe."

Then, she got out and that was the end. 

+The Following Week+ 

(Y/N) was sitting in her room, quietly studying as the sun began to set. This was how most of her days were now spent, either at school or in her room studying. She found it was the easiest way to keep her mind off of Roman. Speaking of, since they last saw each other, she didn't see him in any classes they had together during the week. Even his best friend, Peter, said he hadn't heard from him. It did worry her but it couldn't be her problem anymore.

Suddenly, she heard a knock at her window. She sat staring at the window, waiting to hear it again, just in case it was her imagination.

It happened again, and again. Startled, she got up and went over to the window where she drew back the curtains. It was dark which didn't allow her to see anything so she opened the window. Her eyes went wide as they landed upon a figure, hanging from the vine trellis. 

"Roman?" She spoke in a whisper.

Roman was there before her, at her window, his captivating emerald eyes holding hers.

"Hi," was all he said.

"Wh-What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I have to see you (Y/N). I don't care what your dad says, nothing is going to keep me away from you," he said.

A smile rose on her face as her heart was wildly beating in her chest. "Come in," she said, reaching out and helping him through the window.

"You have to be quiet because-" Roman cut her off by taking her face in his hands and pressing his lips to hers.

"I love you, (Y/N)," he said. 

"I love you, too, Roman," she replied.

She then took his hand and guided him over to the bed. He removed his shoes and coat before they climbed into the bed, (Y/N)'s back flush against his chest. They soon fell into a deep  slumber, once again in each other's arms.  

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