wanted | matthew

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(Y/E/C) = Your/Eye/Colour


(Y/N) arrived at the Bureau a few days back with the rest of the rebellion group. The devoted woman had been training hard alongside Four and Nita ever since, preparing for her first mission. She wasn't special and well known like Four and Tris. In fact, she was factionless before she met them.  She was working under Evelyn until Evelyn came of power then she more or less sided with Tris because she didn't agree with Evelyn's ethics. She helped Four and Tris escape Chicago and was now there, in the shadows.

(Y/N) was settling into the bunk she was given when someone cleared their throat behind her, causing her to snap her attention towards them.

"Matthew, hey," she said with a kind smile as she jumped down to face the tall, lanky man.

"Good evening, (Y/N). How are you settling in?" He asked, his voice calm and serene, like honey to her ears.

"Just fine," she said with a wink as she placed her hands on her hips.

Matthew cleared his throat once more. "I, uh, brought you another blanket. I heard you weren't sleeping well because of how cold it can get at night," he said as he handed her the neatly folded quilt he had tucked in his arms.

(Y/N) was getting very little sleep because it did cool right down at night. However, she didn't want to burden anyone considering everything else that was going on. It had only come up once while the group was feasting at supper the other night. Maybe he was listening in? All she's done is hitch a ride with Tris and Four. She's nowhere near as important as they are. Why was he being so attentive towards her rather than the guests of honour?

"Thank you, Matthew," she said with a grateful smile, taking the soft fabric he handed to her.

(Y/N) jumped back up onto her bunk to re-make her bed, fully expecting Matthew to have moved on when she got back down. However, when she climbed back down onto the cool cement floor,  Matthew was still there, his hands clasped behind his back and his gaze down at his feet. He looked as though he wanted to say more but couldn't find the words.

(Y/N) spoke, breaking the silence. "Anything else?" she asked in a friendly tone, crossing her arms over her chest.

Matthew looked back up into her (Y/E/C) orbs, his pale green ones filled with an emotion she had never once encountered in her life; admiration. "Yes, actually, I was wondering if you'd like to join me for breakfast tomorrow morning?" He asked.

The way his warm eyes were looking down at her made her want to crumble into his arms because no one had ever really acknowledged her in that way. No one's ever looked at her like they wanted her for more than just her intelligence and knowledge about the factionless, or truly cared about her. Until now.

A light blush appeared on her face. "I would love to," she said, tucking her lower lip between her teeth.

Before either of them could utter another word, they were interrupted by a third party. "(Y/N) we got to go, first mission," Four said as he went rushing past the couple alongside Nita. The young woman nodded in response before turning her attention back to the man before her.

She inhaled. "You heard the man" — exhale — "time to suit up," she said.

Before parting, (Y/N) reached up on the balls of her feet to give Matthew a gentle peck on his soft cheek. When she pulled back, his defined cheeks were turning a light shade of pink.

She then turned to leave only to have the young man reach out and wrap his hand around her upper arm, turning the startled woman back to face him.
The blush was gone. His features were now more stern with deep concern in his pale green eyes.

"Be careful out there, (Y/N)," he said, his words laced with sincere worry.

Confused and unaware of what to take of his words, she said, "Yeah, of course," before he released her arm, allowing her to run after Four and Nita.

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