jealousy | bill

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Dedicated to Nouis890
Warning: Mature Content


"Babe, ready to go?" Bill asked his girlfriend, poking his head into the bathroom where (Y/N) was finishing getting ready. The dolled up young woman tended to her hair as Bill kept his adoring gaze fixed on her through the mirror. Once ready, (Y/N) grabbed her coat and headed out to the restaurant with Bill.

"Resrvation under Skarsgard?" Bill said to the host, his hand placed on the small of (Y/N)'s back.

"Right this way, Mr. Skarsgard,"  the host said with a warm smile, grabbing two menu's and guiding the couple to a table along the window with a glowing candle in the centre as well as the dimmed chandelier hanging above.

After an hour and a bit of delicious food and good conversation, they were finally finished. "Oh my, god, I'm completely stuffed," (Y/N) said with a huff, leaning back in her seat and patting her full stomach. Bill chuckled at her action.

"What about desert?" He asked more so as a joke.

(Y/N) bit her lip and leaned forward in her seat, resting her chin in the palm of her hand.  "If we leave now, you'll get desert when we get home," she said quietly in a seductive manner. Bill's breath caught in his throat as his cheeks grew warm. (Y/N) giggled at his sudden blush.

"I'll, uh, go to the washroom then we'll head out," he said before rushing off, not wanting to waste another second. (Y/N) tidied herself off a bit, waiting for the waiter to clear their plates.

"(Y/N)?" A familiar voice that wasn't Bill's spoke, causing her to snap her head in the direction the voice came from.

"I knew I saw you earlier," a man said with a chuckle. Under the dimmed light it was kind of hard to recognize who he was but as he came closer, she recognized him to be her ex-boyfriend, Nate.

"What the hell? Nate, it's been so long," she said with a smile, rising to greet the man.

"You're looking as beautiful as ever," he said with a wink, wrapping his arms around his ex-lovers shoulders, catching her by surprise. The hug lasted a little longer than she was comfortable with so she was the first to pull away.

"What're you doing here?" She asked, taking a slight step back. In the back of her mind, she was hoping Bill would soon return since she knew her relationship with Nate was definitely not all flowers and rainbows.

"I was having dinner with an old friend. What about you?" He asked, taking a slight step forward, closing the gap she had just created.

"I'm here with my boyfriend, Bill," she instantly replied, reaching down to grab her coat.

The glimmer in Nate's eyes vanished as the words came out of her mouth. (Y/N) looked past Nate and noticed Bill sauntering back from the bathroom. He then made eye contact with her, a look of confusion taking over his features at the sight of the man in front of his beloved.

"Ready to go, (Y/N)?" Bill asked, wrapping his arm around her waist in a protective manner.

(Y/N) nodded. "Uh, yeah. Bill this is my, um, ex, Nate. Nate, this is Bill," she said, avoiding eye contact with both men as she felt the tension grow.

"Hey, man," Nate said, extending his hand. Bill was hesitant but eventually took it after (Y/N) gave him a small nudge.

"Well, it was nice seeing you again (Y/N), and nice to meet you, Bill," Nate politely said with a nod, tucking his hands in his pockets.

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