mile high club | bill

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warning: mature content


(Y/N) and Bill sat quietly in first class, both curled up together under a blanket as they watched a film on her screen. His hand was placed firmly on her thigh and her head was rested on his broad shoulder. The cabin was quiet; silent snores were heard, the lights were dimmed, and the flight attendants were behind the curtains.

They were deep into the movie, both obviously not very interested in it. Under the blanket, Bill subtly inched his hand further up her jean covered thigh. (Y/N) noticed his actions and couldn't help the blush that made it's way up her neck, turning her cheeks a shade of red.

"Bill, what are you doing?" She asked, her voice only loud enough for him to hear.

The man then began placing soft kisses along her jaw. "Everyone's asleep," he murmured, hinting at something. The feeling of his soft lips sucking on the skin just below her ear made her suddenly ache for him.

"Bill," she muttered, knowing that it wasn't a good idea as to what he had in mind, but she didn't want it to stop.

"Just really quick," he pleaded, turning her to face him so he could connect his lips with hers.  His kisses just made her want him more.

"Fine," she gave in. "Really quick."

He smirked as a look of lustful desire took over his eyes. Under the blanket, he slid his hand into her pants, keeping his lips pressed to her neck. As his fingers began to move in circles around her pulsing bundle of nerves, she couldn't help but release a gasp. She then quickly covered her mouth with the back of her hand, hoping no one heard. Bill couldn't help but grin at her reaction.

Once she became accustomed to the feeling, she leaned her head back, closing her eyes. His fingers kept their rhythm, causing the heat in her stomach to only grow stronger.

"B-Bill," she stuttered under her breath, gripping the arm rests as he continued.

"Does it feel good, baby?" He whispered, his warm, seductive breath hitting her neck and causing a chill to run up and down her spine.

"Mhm," she nodded, tucking her bottom lip between her teeth.

As he continued, she began to yearn for something more. She wanted him. She needed him.

"Come with me," she then said, pulling his hand out of her pants and doing them up before getting out of her seat and pulling him down the aisle and into the cramped washroom.

"Fuck me," she said once the door was locked, her eyes fixed on his.

His eyebrow twitched at her words, impressed by how forward she was. She pulled down her shorts and hopped up on the counter. Not wasting any time, Bill undid his belt and unzipped his jeans. (Y/N) craved him so she was the one to pull his growing bulge from his boxers. The sight of his hard member nearly made her drool, in more places then one.

Bill used both of his hands to spread apart her legs, allowing him to enter. He then slid his member inside of her, filling her up. At his actions, she gasped, taking a hand full of his shirt in her hand.

"You're so wet for me, (Y/N)," he growled in her ear as he began rocking his hips into hers.

His deep voice mixed with his shaft hitting her G-spot with every thrust only made her stomach knot as she grew more and more heated.

"Fuck, Bill," she whimpered into his shoulder.

Bill then lifted her leg over shoulder, making for a better angle to pleasure her from and it sure worked. He was now able to completely fill her up so their hips would touch with every thrust. (Y/N) threw her head back, her eyes closing so she could focus on the intense bliss he was causing her.

"You're so beautiful," he said, snaking his hand behind her neck to hold it in place while he sucked on her collarbone.

As his pace quickened, so did her climax. She knew with the angle he was working from and the pace he was going, it would completely consume her faster than she had thought.

"Bill, I'm close," she muttered as she began touching herself to intensify her orgasm.

"Fuck, (Y/N), me too," he said, watching as she pleasured herself.

His last few thrusts were harder than the rest, completely sending her over the edge. As her climax hit, his did too. He nuzzled his face into her neck as he grunted into her shoulder whereas she arched herself into him, her eyes squeezing shut as she tried to contain her cries of satisfaction.

He froze inside of her as they came down from their highs, both covered in sweat and heavily panting. Once able to control themselves, Bill pulled out of her and began dressing himself again, as did she.

"I think that's the fastest we've ever done it," he remarked with a chuckle, doing up his belt.

"And, I think we just joined the mile high club," (Y/N) added.

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