it's not like that | bill

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Dedicated to booboodaddyEvan


After shooting their final scene for the night, co-stars Bill Skarsgard and (Y/N) (Y/L/N) decided to head to the local pub for a drink. They were a few months into filming and had developed a strong friendship during that time. The director had mentioned how extraordinary their on-screen chemistry was and it only went off from there.

"You were amazing today, (Y/N)," Bill mentioned as they took a seat at the bar.

(Y/N)'s tired face grew a smile. "So were you," she replied before they ordered their drinks.

They spent the night chatting away and drinking, up until the bar closed. The two stumbled out of the building onto the dark, silent street, both sharing a laugh. Minutes later, their taxi pulled up. As (Y/N) got in, Bill placed his hand on the small of her back, steadying her drunken self as she got in, he followed. Their night ended in them exchanging a friendly hug before parting to their own separate hotel rooms.

Bill was a very good friend to her, probably her best and the feeling was certainly mutual.

The following morning, (Y/N) woke to her phone blowing up on the night stand. The exhausted young woman rolled up to see what all the fuss was about. When she picked it up, she noticed how she had, what seemed to be, hundreds of texts from her friends, family, manager, everyone. When she opened and read them, her eyes went wide as she shot up in bed.

"What the fuck," she muttered. Everyone was sending her links to certain reporters sites and going on about how her and Bill are apparently 'dating'.

She opened one of them and was instantly met with the title 'Co-Stars Bill Skarsgard and (Y/N) (Y/L/N) Seen Leaving a Bar in the same Taxi and Going to a Hotel' and 'New Couple Alert! Romance Rumors Spread as Bill Skarsgard and (Y/N) (Y/L/N) are Seen Leaving a Bar Together'. All articles were followed by images of them from the previous night. A popular one was the one where his hand was on her back as she climbed into the taxi.

"This is not happening," she muttered as she threw the covers off of her. She then started replying to all of the messages, saying how it wasn't what they think and that they are just close friends.

It was no secret that Bill was an attractive guy, hell, when they first met she even crushed on him big time. However, as they got closer, she soon came to realize that friends was all they'd ever be, and she was okay with that. After reading what some of the media outlets were saying - mostly being positive - her mind began to race. Did she still like him? Could there possibly be something more between them? She knew she wouldn't stop it from happening if it did. But, what about what he thought? There could be a chance that he'd feel the same or not.

Shaking everything out of her mind for the time being, she decided to get ready for the press interviews her and Bill had together for the day.

About an hour later, she met up with the man in the lobby. He didn't seem any different. He greeted her with a hug and his goofy grin, as he usually would. She then knew that he had absolutely no idea about what was being said about them. And, she wanted to keep it that way for as long as she could, seeing as thought she didn't want to make things uncomfortable.

The first three interviews went by no problem. Everyone's main focus was their film and no one brought up the dating rumors which was a big plus to her. However, when they got to the fourth and final interview, that's when it all changed.

"So, I'm just going to be straight up, are you guys together? or..." the interviewer asked, completely catching the two off guard, (Y/N) especially. Bill was just confused.

"I'm sorry?" Bill retorted, his brows curved in a confused frown.

(Y/N) could feel her face burn up but lucky for her, her makeup concealed it.

"Paparazzi caught you two leaving a bar last night together so the internet is going crazy about it," the interviewer went on, clarifying things for Bill. (Y/N) stayed silent, working through her head on what to say? She she say that she knew or make it seem like she's just learning of it like Bill.

Bill then began to laugh, looking over at (Y/N) then back at the interviewer.

"That's hilarious, I love that," he said. A glint of hope then appeared in (Y/N)'s eyes at the words 'i love that'.

(Y/N) decided to laugh along with him.

"Of course we're not dating, we're just good friends who went to get a drink together," he clarified.

Bill was right, they were only good friends who had gone for a drink together. However, if he was right, why was she feeling so disappointed about it? Heartbroken, almost.

After the interviews for the day, the whole ordeal wouldn't leave her mind. It was clear Bill had easily gotten over it. But she hadn't. The friends decided to go out to dinner to complete their exhausting day, just the two of them.

They ate, and talked, then talked some more, but never brought up the rumors and the interview. In a way, it had seemed like it might of been bothering him slightly as well. Eventually, she had to bring it up, she needed to know.

"Bill?" She spoke as they were ending their night with a glass of wine.

He looked up, his emerald eyes sparkling in the candlelight. She wouldn't notice these things if they had just been friends.

"Have you ever wondered if anything more would happen between... us?" She asked, anxiously tracing the rim of her glass with her finger.

"Is this about what happened in the interview today?" He asked, clasping his hands on the table. She nodded.

"That, and, I don't know, it just got me thinking; you're my best friend so I just wondered if there would ever be anything more," she said. Strangely enough, the conversation didn't bring up any awkward or uncomfortable feelings and that was the most magical thing about their relationship - no matter what happened, they were always each others safe haven.

"I have thought about, here and there," he started, causing her gaze to lift and meet his. "But, I don't want to ruin what we have (Y/N). You are my best friend, yes, but what if it doesn't work out in that way? What if we don't like and can't go back to this? You deserve so much better than me. You're beautiful, smart, funny, kind, and I'll forever love, but only as friends," he informed.

His words did sting but they also filled her with that warm, tender feeling only he brought to her.

"Thank you," she replied in a soft voice.

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