his mother | roman

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His Mother part 1/2


After an afternoon of extraordinary pleasure, (Y/N) climbed out of Romans bed and began re-dressing herself into her uniform. Roman watched as he lay naked under the sheets, his hands clasped behind his head. She saw him staring with a look of admiration in his emerald eyes which caused a blush to creep up her neck.

"What?" She spoke with a smirk as she slid her tights up her legs. "You're so beautiful," he responded, only making her blush grow stronger.

He continued to watch as she finished dressing then when she was done, she took a seat back down on his bed. "We have to stop doing this during the day, it's too risky," she said in all seriousness. Roman rolled his eyes. "Oh, come on (Y/N), she's not going to find out. She's clueless," he assured, crawling over behind her where he pulled her hair behind her shoulder, exposing the skin of her neck.

(Y/N) lightly closed her eyes, tilting her head to the side as he began leaving trails of gentle pecks. "Roman... I'm serious. If we're going to keep this up, we have to be careful," she said in a breathless mutter, the euphoric feeling of his lips against her skin almost making her change her mind. But, she knew she couldn't.

Roman pulled away, snaking his arms around her waist as he pulled her back into his chest, resting his chin in the crook of her neck. "I'm not going to let anything happen to you, (Y/N). I promise," he said. It was a promise that they both knew, he wouldn't be able to keep if Olivia were to find out about their relationship. However, it was good enough to convince her for the time being.

(Y/N) worked as a housekeeper at the Godfrey residence. Out of the three women who were employed under Olivia Godfrey, she was the only one who was in Roman's age range which led to him taking a strong liking to her. After few months of her employment, they started their relationship. They made it as secretive as could be considering what Olivia was capable of if she were to find out.

Olivia was very possessive over her son. When (Y/N) was brought on to work for her, the raven-haired woman knew that Roman would no doubt develop a hunger for her. Therefore, the mother of her lover made it very clear to (Y/N) at the beginning that any relations with her son were forbidden. (Y/N) obviously didn't follow that rule.

"Your mom will be home soon, I should go start preparing the dining room," she then said as she got up and out of his grasp.

"I love you, you know," he then said, bringing the blush back onto (Y/N)'s face. "I'll see you in a few hours," she responded, leaning down and giving him one last kiss before leaving his room.

When she shut the door behind her, she paused for a moment, her smile growing wider at the thought of the only man she's ever loved bringing her the most happiness she has ever experienced in her. While she was in her trance, she saw movement in her peripheral vision. (Y/N) then turned her gaze down the long hallway to see no other than Olivia Godfrey, frozen in place as she shot daggers towards the girl with her stone cold eyes.

Before any words were exchanged, (Y/N) turned on her heel and hustled down the hall in the opposite direction. It was over. Olivia knew. The thought scared her more than anything else in her entire life.

As she hurried into the dining room where she began to set the table for dinner, the pit of anxiety would not disappear, nor would Olivia's image from her mind. It was only a matter of time before she were to be confronted, it was like a ticking time bomb.

Hours had passed before the Godfrey's came down to enjoy their supper prepared by their private chef. (Y/N) was the working staff that evening, meaning she was forced to come face-to-face with both him and his mother, something she always dreaded but even more so now.

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