knight in shining armor | roman

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Warning: Mature Content


After school had ended for the day, (Y/N) made her way down to the Godfrey Mills. The young woman didn't have many friends so she spent the majority of her time alone.  What better place was there to be alone then the secluded, abandoned mills?

(Y/N) was doing her usual, exploring the Mills, when she heard tires pull up on the gravel beyond the wall. "Shit," she muttered as she began in a sprint towards the nearest exit, careful not to attract any unwanted attention as the sound of her footsteps bounced off of the walls.

As she rounded the corner, she was greeted by two officers, their hands rested on their guns, ready for any harm that might go their way. "Stop right there!" One of them shouted as they cautiously approached the panting woman.

(Y/N) froze in her tracks before releasing a frustrated sigh. "(Y/N)?" The rounder officer questioned, squinting to get a better look at her features. (Y/N) nodded. "Hello officers, can I help you with something?" She asked in an ironic tone.

The rounder man exhaled then inhaled, clearly frustrated with the girl. "Just can't stay away from this place now can ya?" He asked. "What can I say?" She shrugged, "My soul is attached to this place," she replied, patting the wall with her palm.

"Ha-ha, very funny. The first couple of times were warnings and you remember what we said if we caught you here again?" The officer inquired. (Y/N) sighed at the memory, looking down at the ground in defeat. "You'd arrest me for trespassing," she muttered, almost too quiet for the men to hear. The officer nodded. "That's right. So come on, young lady, time to take a ride down to the station," he said, opening the door to the unwashed police car.

As she approached the vehicle, the officer dangled a pair of handcuffs from his plump fingertips. (Y/N) huffed. "Are those really necessary?" She asked, holding her hands behind her back. "It's protocol," he replied, a hint of guilt in his voice.

The young woman winced as the cold metal tightened around her wrists. The pain only grew as her hands struggled against the cuffs.

"Is there a problem here?" A deep familiar voice asked from behind.

The officers and (Y/N) turned and were surprised to be met with no other than Roman Godfrey, the richest and most self-absorbed man in Hemlock Grove. Even though (Y/N) chose to spend her spare time at a place owned by his insanely wealthy family, she did try to keep her distance from the boy.

"Oh god, not the Godfrey kid again," the round officer grumbled before turning to face the young man. (Y/N) didn't know what to take of the situation so she stayed silent.

The officer, however, did not. "This young lady was trespassing so we're taking her to the station," he informed as Roman placed a cigarette between his lips then lit it and took a deep drag.

The mindless man had a playful look in his pale green eyes as he approached the officer then blew out the smoke in his face, causing the officer cough. (Y/M) pursed her lips, suppressing a laugh as the mans face turned a bright shade of red from anger.

"There's no need, officer, I'll take it from here," Roman insisted, giving (Y/N) a wink. (Y/N) shot him a puzzled glare, wondering why he showed up in the first place and why he was trying to help her.

"With all do respect, sir, I can't just hand her off to you," the officer said, wrapping his hand around her upper arm. Roman's mischievous look was then taken over by a look of vexation. "Yes, you can. And you will," he demanded.

Roman sauntered forward, looking deep into the officers eyes as if looking  into his soul. "You are going to remove the cuffs, leave her with me, and drive back to the station and forget this ever happened," he commanded in a firm yet whispered tone.

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