important message | requests

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Bonjour! How is everyone? It's been a long long long long time since I've connected with you all! 

So. Before I get into the requesting situation, there's something I'd just like to quickly say. 

We are living through a revolution right now. The world is coming together and rising above this system that was put in place hundreds and hundreds of years ago to control the greater population. A system that was built on racism, discrimination, cruelty and injustice. I am standing with everyone who is against this system. I am standing with everyone who is speaking up for justice for years of harm done to their communities and the communities around them. It will no longer be tolerated and the people around the world are making sure of that; we are taking back the power that was taken from us long ago. 

Let's get one thing straight. There is absolutely no such thing as good cops. There is such a thing as good people who are cops, but no good cops walk this earth. We have all been brainwashed (even these good people who are cops) that the police system has been here to "protect us" when we are realizing that it is quite the contrary. The police system is here to CONTROL us. Keep us in line. And that cannot be the way of humanity. It's disgusting, it's wrong, and it needs to change. At the end of the day, we are all human, we are all equal and some people have it in their head that this is not allowed, and those people tend to be the ones trying to control us by having these things called the government, the economy, and so on. All completely unnecessary but things people long ago decided to create. That's all a bridge that we'll cross when we get to it. The bridge we're on right now is that of discrimination and abuse of power from cops to black people and lets just say it's a bridge majority of the world is standing together and marching across right now. 

If like me you are sick and tired of these horrendous ways, GET OUT THERE! Protest for change! Sign petitions! Donate! Post and Re-post! MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD AND STAND FOR THE CHANGE THAT IS LONG OVERDUE!

So, this is what has been going on inside my head recently and thought I'd put it out there. 

Now, quickly, here's a little bit of info on requests:

If there's anything you haven't read yet in this book that you'd like to read, comment or private message me and I'll see what I can do:)


- Belle<3

Bill Skarsgård ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now