caught feelings | roman

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(Y/N) was seated at her desk, quietly studying for her math exam when her phone buzzed, snapping her from deep focus. She tucked her lip between her teeth, as a familiar name appeared on the screen.

Roman: Come over

I'll be there in 15 :(Y/N)

(Y/N) quickly changed into a sundress and threw her hair up before hopping in her car and made her way over to the Godfrey mansion. She had been to the mansion many times before but for some reason, every time she laid her eyes upon it, a shudder coursed up her spine from the chilling vibe it delivered.

"Finally," Roman said after opening the large front door to greet her. (Y/N) replied by brushing her lips against his. The tall man cupped her face in his large hands as his lips moved feverishly with hers.  (Y/N) was the first to pull away, worried that Olivia or Shelly might interrupt the two.

Roman chuckled at her worried expression. "Relax, Shelly went out and my mother's at the White Tower so we have the place all to ourselves,"  he said with a wink before taking her hand and dragging her upstairs to his room.

The sex driven man slammed the door behind her then proceeded to toss her onto the bed. (Y/N) giggled, perching herself up on her elbows as Roman crawled on top of her, nuzzling his face into the crook of her neck. (Y/N)'s giggles soon turned into gentle moans as Roman began nipping at her neck, leaving little red marks scattered across the soft skin. She tangled her hand in his brown locks and wrapped her bare legs around his waist before helping the man lift his shirt over his head.

"You're so beautiful, (Y/N)," Roman said, gently tracing circles on her jaw with his thumb as he stared down into her eyes, his green orbs almost compelling her to beg for more.

"Wait, you're not catching feelings for me are you?" (Y/N) asked with a snicker, lifting her hand to his chest as she gave him a crooked glare.  Roman sighed, then climbed off of her.

(Y/N) gulped, unsure of how to respond. "Roman, we promised this was just for fun, at least until I can break things off with Peter," she said, climbing out of the bed and fixing her dress.

Roman scratched the back of his neck. "I know, (Y/N), but we've been doing this for weeks now and I just . . ." he trailed off, grabbing a cigarette from from his bedside table and lighting it. 

(Y/N) had been seeing Peter for a few weeks but for some reason, she felt more of a pull towards Roman. It wasn't like she didn't like Peter because she truly did, but when she was around him, he felt more like a best friend than a boyfriend. The only problem was she didn't know how to end things without ruining their relationship for good.

(Y/N) rolled her head back. "Roman," she breathed before getting back on the bed and climbing on top of him, straddling his waist. She took the cigarette from his lips and placed it between hers, taking a deep drag then releasing the fog of smoke into Roman's distraught face. "I like you. I like you a lot. But could you imagine what Peter would do if he found out we were doing this while I'm seeing him?" She asked, as Roman placed his large hands on her hips.

(Y/N) leaned down, gently connecting her lips with Romans'.  "Until I figure something out, we're gonna have to put a pin in this," she said before climbing off of him.

Before Roman could reply, the two heard the front door shut downstairs. "Roman! It's Peter, where are you?"

The two were immediately sent into panic mode. "Shit. Roman, put on a shirt," she demanded, fixing herself up in the mirror.

"Fuck, what is he doing here?" Roman asked, throwing his shirt back on. (Y/N) grabbed her bag then went downstairs, Roman following close behind.

"Hey, Peter," she said with a warm smile, catching him off guard.

He looked at her, his brows knitted together in a questioning frown. "(Y/N), what are you doing here?" Peter asked, unaware that his girlfriend and Roman were friends.

"Peter, hey," Roman said, shoving his hands in his pockets. Peter nodded, doing a double take between (Y/N) and Roman.

(Y/N) could tell Peter was struggling to reprehend what was going on so she immediately felt the need to explain the situation. "Roman and I were, uh, working on our History project," she lied, snaking her arm around Peter's waist.

"Y-yeah. We were assigned partners, so . . ." Roman added, combing his hand through his chestnut hair.

Peter nodded. "Huh. Well I just stopped by to talk but uh, that can wait," Peter said, wrapping his arm around (Y/N)'s shoulders. The way he was holding her almost made her feel as though he had the slightest idea as to what was going on and was trying to show Roman that she was his.

"No, no. You stay. I have to go help my mom with something anyway," (Y/N) said, pulling away from Peter. Peter leaned down and connected his lips to hers. The kissed lasted just long enough to put Roman into a state of discomfort, causing him to look away.

"Okay, well, I'll see you two tomorrow," she said, looking up at Roman.

"Drive safe, (Y/N)," Roman said, keeping his gaze on her. There was a look of admiration in his eyes that made her want to forget Peter was in their presence and tangle herself into Roman's arms once again. A half smile arose on her face, causing one to rise on his. She felt a blush creep up her neck so she turned on her heal and exited through the towering door. The one thing she was most afraid of had happened. (Y/N) had caught feelings for Roman Godfrey.

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