haunted by her past | bill

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Haunted by her Past part 1/4


She woke in the early morning to her beloved attempting to get out of bed. She knew that once he did, the sense of being alone wouldn't allow her to fall back to sleep, so instantly, she reached out and pulled him back.

"Don't go," she begged, nuzzling herself into him.  Bill chuckled, planting a chaste kiss on the top of her head while wrapping his long arms around her pajama covered body.

"I have to, my love," he replied in a whisper. Pulling her closer before letting her go and climbing out once again.

(Y/N) propped her head up in her hand with a pout on her face. "Can't you call in sick?" She asked, beginning to crave his attention. Again, Bill chuckled.

"If I keep calling in sick, I'm going to get fired," he noted. She tucked her lip between her teeth, getting up on her knees as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Is it bad that I want that?" She asked, placing gentle kisses along his sharp jawline.

"You're cute," he replied before throwing her down on the bed, eliciting a small squeal from the woman.

As he hovered above her with her legs on either side of him, he admired her for a moment. The way her hair fanned out on the pillows, her smile that could make anyone in their darkest moments smile, and her eyes, oh, her eyes, the ones he could get lost in over and over and never come back.

"I was joking," she then said, breaking him from his trance. "I don't want you to get fired so go to work." She pushed him off of her.

About an hour after Bill had left, (Y/N) decided to finally get up and make herself some breakfast.  She was in the kitchen of hers and Bill's shared apartment, stood at the stove while making a frittata. As she was humming away, her phone dinged on the counter next to her. Assuming it was Bill or someone else close to her, she decided to check it while the frittata continued to cook. It was a notification from twitter saying someone messaged her, someone with the name Jack Nielsen - a name she did not recognize. (Y/N) leaned back against the counter and opened the message.

Jack: Hey (Y/N). I don't know if you remember me but we went to high school together.

The young woman thought back on her high school years for a moment, trying to remember the name Jack Nielsen. Coming up fruitless, she decided to click on his profile, hoping that maybe a picture of him would jog her memory. Unfortunately, he had no pictures, or posts for that matter, and his profile was a picture of what looked to be his dog. Not wanting to be rude, she went back and replied to Jack.

(Y/N): Hey Jack! I don't mean to be rude but I don't remember much of high school - maybe because I was drunk the whole time lol.

She wanted to keep the mood lightened so she added the joke, hoping he wouldn't take offense.

Jack replied instantly.

Jack: No worries. We never really talked I just remember having some classes with you. How's life treating you these days?

(Y/N) smiled as she typed, he seemed like a nice guy.

(Y/N): I'm doing well, thanks! I moved to Sweden after I met my husband so things are going very well. How about you? How's life after high school for Jack Nielsen?

Just then, she remembered she was cooking and quickly jumped back to the stove. Luckily, her breakfast wasn't burnt but just a little more golden that it should be. Growing hungrier by the second, (Y/N) plated her food and took a seat on the couch where she turned on the TV and began eating while watching her favorite show. Her phone dinged again.

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