premiere | bill

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Warning: Mature Content


The day had arrived where  (Y/N) was to see her husband, Bill Skarsgard, on the big screen as a demonic, child eating clown. Was she terrified? Of course. But nonetheless excited. She just had to keep reminding herself that behind all of the clown make-up was a handsome, kind, loving man who she was lucky enough to call her husband.

"Almost ready?" Bill asked as he entered the hotel room she was getting ready in, all garbed up in his ravishing suit, ready for the IT premiere.

(Y/N) sauntered out of the bathroom wearing a black, thick strapped dress with slits that went up both legs. Her hair was pulled back into a tight do with basic yet tasteful make-up.

Bill's brows shot up as the corners of his lips rose into a sensual grin. "You look absolutely stunning," he said as he licked his lips before approaching his wife and snaking his arms around her waist, pulling her body into his.

Heat rushed into her cheeks at his comment and lustful glare. "You look very handsome yourself," she said, reaching up and touching her lips to his. After a few minutes of moving their lips together, she began to feel Bill's fingers hook under the strap of her dress, gently sliding it down her shoulder.

"Bill, we don't have time for this," she said into the kiss; her mind telling her to stop but her body urging her to go on.

Bill chuckled as he gently pushed her back and lowered her onto the tidy bed. "We have a half hour. Plenty of time," he said with a playful smirk as he climbed on top of her and began peppering her neck and collarbone with light kisses.

(Y/N) gave in to her lover's endeavours, relaxing at his warm touch. Bill ran his hands up the slits of her dress, hooking his lean fingers on her lace panties. (Y/N) shuddered at his touch, letting out a soft moan.

"Don't ruin my dress," she breathed as he pulled her panties down to her ankles, holding eye contact with the man.

Bill tossed her panties to the floor before saying, "I can't make any promises." He winked as he sat up on one knee between her legs, undoing his trousers.

(Y/N)'s facial expression then turned stern as she propped herself up on her elbows. "Bill, I'm serious," she said as he pulled down his trousers and his boxers.

"Fine," he said, as he slowly entered himself inside of her, causing her eyes to shut and a gentle whimper to escape her lips. As the light pain soon turned to pleasure, (Y/N) relaxed under her beloved, wrapping her legs around his waist as his pace quickened.

"Bill," she breathed as he began thrusting deeper inside of her, hitting her g-spot each time. Bill knew he was satisfying his wife because her walls began to tighten around his manhood, meaning she was soon going to hit her high. 

(Y/N) gulped, rolling her head back as she felt her climax approach. "Fuck me," she said under her breath, lifting her legs higher up his waist, giving him better access to pleasure her.

"Come for me, (Y/N)," Bill breathed, watching as his lover quiver in pure bliss beneath him. 

"I'm... I'm... Bill," she breathlessly said, arching her back and rolling her eyes as a wave of pleasure took over her trembling body.

Bill's breath staggered as his member twitched inside of her. The sight of his (Y/N) trembling beneath him with her back arched and eyes rolled made him drop his head into the crook of her neck as his high also hit. The man finished with a few more gentle thrusts before pulling out then collapsing next to his panting wife.

"How much time do we have?" She asked, her chest drastically rising and falling.

Bill lifted his wrist to look at his watch. "Five minutes," he replied before hoisting himself off of the bed.
Bill assisted his wife off of the disheveled bed before the two redressed themselves.

When the couple were both fixed up and looking just as good as they were twenty minutes prior, Bill took his wife's hand in his, lacing their fingers.

"Let's go watch you rip children's arms off, shall we?" She said with a satisfied grin, earning a chuckle from her husband.

The two then strolled out of the room hand-in-hand, headed for the Premiere.

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