bar fight (2) | roman

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note: so i was just going through all the parts and noticed how a few of you requested for a part two to bar fight... so here it is and i hope you enjoy!


Two weeks had gone by since the night at the bar and still nothing. (Y/N) waited and waited, she even went back to the bar every second night to see if he'd be there but, no. Roman said he'd find her after giving her the most passionate kiss of her life and he still hadn't. She didn't want to tell anyone because the infamous Roman Godfrey did have quite the reputation in Hemlock Grove and she didn't want anyone talking her out of it.

(Y/N) had decided to stay late at work, wanting to get done as much as she could so she could leave early the following night to go sit and wait at the bar. It was past midnight and the streets were dark as well as quiet. The cold breeze was piercing her skin like hundreds of needles, sending an eerie shiver down her spine while she pulled her winter coat tighter around her body.

Something didn't feel right to her, she felt as though someone was watching her but every time she looked around, there'd be no one. Just her on the same walk home she took most evenings when her car wouldn't run. Nonetheless, something felt different tonight and it just made her want to get home faster.

As she turned the corner down the short cut through an alley, she saw three men standing and facing her at the other end, blocking her. Her breath caught in her throat as she then turned around only as she did so, she was blocked again by another two men. There was no way out. She was trapped.

"Oh come on, doll face, the fun's just getting started,"one of the men growled.

Tears began to well in her eyes but she couldn't let them see, she didn't want them thinking she would go easy. (Y/N) decided to stand her ground.

"Move," she demanded as they began closing her in. Her demand on made them all bark out laughter.

"Look at this little bitch, telling us what to do," the man croaked then turned back down to her. Only, as he did so, a sinister look took over his features.

"You have nowhere to go, and no one is coming for you," he growled, sending the back of his hand flying across her cheek.

(Y/N) went stumbling to the ground, clutching her burning cheek. When she looked up she was surrounded by all five men.

"Please don't," she begged, her voice barely audible, earning nothing but snickers from the men.

The quaking young woman then squeezed her eyes shut, just waiting for it to be over with whether she came out of it alive or not. She curled herself up into a fetal position, hoping it would shield as much pain as possible.

"I'm gonna enjoy this," a different voice sounded as their foot went flying into her stomach, sending her rolling over. They all laughed. Soon another foot went into her back, and a fiat across her face, drawing blood from her nose and lip. She wanted to give up as the excruciating pain was almost too much to bare.

Suddenly, one of the men took a handful of her hair, yanking her up to face him as his deep voice muttered in her ear, the warm breath sending an ominous shiver all over her body.

"Give that Godfrey fucker a message for us; you mess with one of us Tucker's, you mess with all of us," he snarled. A single tear managed to escape her tightly shut eyes.

As she laid there, awaiting whatever it was to come next, another voice spoke, this one smooth like velvet and one she recognized.

"Why don't you just tell me yourself," Roman said, instantly causing (Y/N)'s eyes to shoot open.

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