you again | bill

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warning: mature content


Bill had her on her back, the headboard slamming against the wall with each thrust. Her head was buried in his shoulder while her nails dug into his bare back from his member getting deeper, and deeper inside of her.

"Bill, I'm almost ..." she trailed off, the intense pleasure making it difficult for her to form a sentence, let alone speak.

He grunted, watching as her head rolled back, eyes squeezing shut. Her high was coming quick, as was his. It only made him go faster.

To help, he lifted her leg over his shoulder, making it easier for him to pleasure her. At the new angle, she couldn't help but crumble beneath him. Both of their bare chests glistening with sweat as he finished. With one last thrust, he froze inside of her, their hips touching as they both released.

"Fuck," Bill grunted, watching as she quivered in pleasure beneath him before collapsing next to her on the sheets.

"That was..." he started, a wide grin on his face.  "Amazing," she finished for him. They both laughed while panting, well knowing that was the best one-night-stands they had ever had.

"So, are you gonna stay?" she asked, turning her head to the side to look at his striking face.

His hands were tucked behind his head as he turned to face her, his charming green orbs staring passionately into hers. However, the type of passion they held was not one that would last forever.

"I think it's better if I go, y'know-"

"You don't have to explain," she cut him off. "I get it." She was slightly downhearted at his response but wasn't surprised by it.

He then reached over, planted a gentle kiss on her lips, while cupping the side of her face with his large hand. After hesitating a moment, he got up and began to retrieve his clothes. She sat herself up on the bed, wrapping her bare body in the sheets.

"That was by far the best sex I have ever had," Bill said while doing up the belt on his jeans and pulling his shirt over his head. She tucked her bottom lip between her teeth while she watched him dress, the sight before her almost making her drool.

"(Y/N)?" Bill said, noticing her in her trance of thirst. She quickly snapped out of it at the sound of her name.

"Oh, yeah, sorry," she laughed, embarrassed as she felt her cheeks burn up. "I had a great time," she then said, earning an amused smirk from the tall man in return.

He noticed her downcast expression. "This isn't a goodbye, (Y/N), it's a 'see you later'," he clarified before crawling on the bed, placing one last kiss on her forehead, then getting up and heading out the door.

That statement left her hopeful.

- 4 months later -

It was a warm, sunny day in (Y/C/N) as (Y/N) sauntered down the street of the bustling city. She was alone, window shopping up and down the streets as she enjoyed her day off.

The young woman was walking down a street in the quieter part of town when her eye caught something - or rather, someone - familiar. It was a man, seated on a bench, drinking a cup of coffee while looking down the street in the opposite direction. Then, it hit her. She would recognize those striking features, and soft brown hair anywhere.

"Bill?" She spoke, standing a few feet away from him. His attention suddenly snapped towards her. He almost choked on his coffee when he realized who she was.

"(Y/N)!" he cheered, rising to his feet with his lips stretched into a smile.

Suddenly, his arms were around her in an embrace. It took her a moment before hers wrapped around him. It felt good, being in his arms again while he held her tight. Flashbacks to that night four months prior - the most passionate night of her life - began flooding back. As well as the regret she felt when she let him get away, knowing full well that that night sparked a feeling inside of her that she had never felt with anyone before.

"It's so good to see you," he said, pulling away and tucking his hands in his pockets, yet keeping the distance between the two, intimate. "How are you?" He asked.

The grin that was on her face was unshakable. "I'm pretty good, you?" She asked, genuinely curious.

He seemed to have hesitated before responding. "Very good," he said even though his eyes held a different answer. It seemed as though there was something he wanted to say but was too shy to say it.

"Out shopping I see," he observed, looking down a the few shopping bags she held in her hands.  She nodded. "Oh, yeah, just some little things for my apartment."

"Still in that little place?" He asked, referring to her studio. 

She laughed. "It's only been four months, Bill," she said, sparking something in his eyes at the mention of that night that he too couldn't get out of his mind.

"A lot can happen in four months," he remarked, his voice seemingly more seductive which caught her breath.

(Y/N) tucked her hair behind her ear. "Yes, a lot can happen," she repeated, her blush creeping more and more up her neck.

"Well, it was good to see you Bill," she then said, noticing how he wasn't saying anything more. She then turned to leave but was suddenly pulled back.

Bill's hand was wrapped around her wrist as he pulled her back, crashing her into his chest. without hesitating, he took her face in his hands and pressed his lips passionately against hers. She instantly gave into the kiss, knowing it's what she was yearning for. Seconds went by before they broke apart, panting from the sudden loss of air.

"Don't go," he said in a breathless whisper.

"I won't," she replied.

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