daddy's home | bill

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(Y/D/N) = Your/Daughters/Name


"Mommy! Mommy! Daddy's coming home!" (Y/D/N) squealed as she came running into her parents bedroom. She climbed onto the bed where she started jumping around her mother who was still asleep.

(Y/N)'s eyes fluttered open, her lips curving up into a grin at the sight of her daughter, beyond excited, as well as the thought of her husband coming home after spending a few months away filming.

He returned a few times to visit but had to heavily rely on FaceTime due to the rigorous hours spent working on his film.

Having a young child meant there wasn't a slow, easy way to wake up. One second she was fast asleep, the next she was wide awake and ready to go.

"He is!" She cheered along with (Y/D/N), sitting up in the bed. The six year old then collapsed on her knees next to her mother, her hair going up in every direction.

"Let's do something special, momma," she suggested, playing with the hem of her mothers T-shirt with her little digits.

(Y/N) ran her hand through her daughters unkempt hair. "How about we make him breakfast?" She suggested, looking over at the time and realizing he'd be home in about an hour.

(Y/D/N)'s face lit up. "Yeah! Let's make him pancakes and orange juice!" She yelped, those were her two favorite breakfast items.  "Okay, I'll meet you downstairs, baby," she said, giving her daughter a playful tap on her bottom as the young one went running out of the bedroom and down the stairs in a fit of giggles.

(Y/N) climbed out of her warm bed, unable to shake her grin at the thought of her husband finally returning home. Having him away for long periods of time did take a toll on her, however, it was his career and she respected it.

After sliding her feet into her slippers and putting on the silk robe Bill had gotten for her a few years prior, she went downstairs to meet her daughter in the kitchen. She entered to see (Y/D/N) seated on one of the bar stools, doodling away on a piece of paper with her collection of crayons.

"What're you drawing, baby bear?" She asked, peering over her shoulder as she played with her daughters locks.

(Y/D/N) giggled as she began pointing to each of the stick characters. "That's you, me, and daddy!" She said. "It's a card for him to keep forever." (Y/N) smiled, pressing her lips to the crown of the young girls head. "He'll love it," she noted.

Once the card was finished, the two went about preparing a nice, welcome home breakfast for Bill. It consisted of homemade chocolate chip pancakes - made by (Y/D/N), of course - freshly squeezed orange juice, a bowl of fruit, and sausages. (Y/D/N) set up the table for the three, placing her card next to her fathers plate.

"He should be home any minute, everything ready?" (Y/N) asked, looking out the window as she counted down the seconds.

"Yup! Everything's ready for dadda," the young girl said, coming up behind her mother and wrapping her arms around (Y/N)'s waist.

The woman then hooked her arms under her daughter's shoulders, pulling her up on her hip so that she could see out the window as well. Sure enough, after a few minutes of impatiently waiting, a taxi pulled up out front of the house.

"He's here!" (Y/D/N) cheered, jumping out of her mothers arms.

She watched as Bill got out of the car then went to collect his baggage from the trunk. (Y/N) didn't even notice her daughter had run out until she saw the little figure darting down the pathway. She followed.

"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" (Y/D/N) squealed, running as fast as her little legs could carry her. Bill turned around as the taxi drove away, and the instant he saw her, a large grin appeared on his perfect face.

"Hi, kiddo!" He greeted, bending down and extending his arms so she could run into them. When they made contact, he lifted her off the ground, spinning in circles as the two laughed away.

(Y/N) watched from the doorway, her arms crossed over her chest as a smile stretched across her face. He was so perfect with her, the sight made (Y/N)'s heart flutter. Bill then set his daughter down, looking up at his wife. He took (Y/D/N)'s little hand in his large one as they began walking up to the house.

"Hi," he greeted, dropping his bags to the ground when he became inches away from her, not breaking eye contact.

"Hi," she muttered back. Not being able to wait any longer, she threw her arms around his neck, reaching her lips up to connect with his. Bill released their daughters hand then wrapped his long arms around his beloved's waist, pulling her in tightly.

"I missed you," he whispered in her ear as he buried his face in the warmth of her neck. "I missed you, too," she replied, breathing in his familiar scent, the one she missed ever so dearly.

They were then interrupted by their daughter who stood patiently beside them. "Daddy! Momma and I made you a special breakfast!" In the moment of passion, they had almost forgotten she was there.

"You did?" Bill questioned in anticipation, with means to fuel her excitement.

"We did, we did! Come," she giggled, taking her fathers hand and pulling him into the house. (Y/N) watched with a gleeful smile, her family was finally back together as one.

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