mom and dad | bill

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Dedicated to Ana_Montanez_Stan


Today was her first day on the set of 'IT'.  (Y/N) had been cast in the film to play the role of Richie Tozier's older sister, Alice. After she had settled in to her trailer, she decided to head over to see the rest of the cast, all except for Bill Skarsgard who portrayed Pennywise the Dancing Clown. Andy - the director - had decided to keep Bill separate from the rest of the cast until their first interactions with Pennywise; said he wanted their reactions to be as real as possible when they were to shoot their first scene with him.

"(Y/n), hey!" Finn said with a cheer in his voice, coming up to the young woman with some of the other kids following behind. 

"Hey, little bro, what's up?" She asked, rubbing his raven black hair, messing up his perfect curls.

"We were going to go do some karaoke in Jack's trailer, wanna come?" The young boy asked, giving her arm a nudge. Singing was one of (Y/N)'s hobbies so she accepted Finn's offer.  Once at the trailer, she took a seat at the table across from Jeremy and next to Sophia.

"(Y/n), come do this duet with me," Jack said, typing away on his laptop.

The young woman snickered before getting up and standing next to Jack in front of the other kids. The song 'You're the One that I Want' from the movie Grease started playing, eliciting a laugh from (Y/N) because cute little Jack wanted to sing it with her. No doubt he had a crush on his older cast mate.

When the song came to an end, (Y/N) looked around at the kids whose jaws were nearly dropped to the floor in awe.

"Oh my, god. You have the most amazing voice I have ever heard," Jack said before the rest of the kids erupted in cheers and claps.

(Y/N) let out a small laugh. "You're not so bad yourself there, Jack," she said, giving the boy a side hug.

"Is it just me, or would (Y/N) and Bill be a really cute couple," Sophia then said, resting her chin in the palm of her hand. (Y/N) tucked her hair behind her ear as she began to feel her cheeks warm up. She had never met Bill in person but judging by photo's she had seen, he was quite a sight for sore eyes.

"They could be like our parents!" Finn said causing the rest of the group to double over in laughter.


The other day they had finally wrapped on their film 'IT'. Over the past months, (Y/N) became really close with the cast and crew. She would go as far as to consider them family. She didn't officially meet Bill Skarsgard until half way through production and even then, it was only as Pennywise. He did however, take a liking to her and he'd always be making sure she was all right when filming disturbing scenes. A couple weeks after they had first met, he asked her out to lunch and since then, the two had kind of been a 'thing'. Nothing serious, though . . . yet.

"Ready for the party?" (Y/N)'s manager asked as she finished up with her hair.

(Y/N) nodded. "Yeah," she said, glancing at herself in the mirror one last time.

Tonight was the wrap party with the whole cast and crew to celebrate the months of hard work that had been put in to the making of the film. (Y/N) was excited to see the cast but was a tad bit more excited to see Bill. Just thinking about him brought butterfly's to her stomach.

"Mom! You made it!" Finn said with a cheer, causing (Y/N) to let out a small laugh as he guided her to the other kids. The upbeat music caused the ground to thud underneath her while the energy of the crowd brought smile to her face.

"Hey!" She said as she met up with the kids.

Since the start of filming, the kids have been referring to (Y/N) as their 'mom' and they'd occasionally refer to her and Bill as their parents even though they didn't exactly know that something was going on between the pair.

(Y/N) was chatting away with the kids when she felt a large hand on the small of her back. She turned to see Bill, a grin plastered on his face with a beer in hand.

"Hey, guys!" Bill said with a wide grin.  (Y/N) leaned in to give him a side hug which came off more so as a friendly embrace rather than a romantic one.

"Hey, Bill, how are you?" Finn asked, tucking his hands in his pockets.

Even though they'd finished filming, the kids were still a little intimidated by the man who played the demonic clown.

"I'm very good thank you, having a good time?" He asked the small crowd, trying to seem a lot less frightening and more so like the kind man he actually was so the kids wouldn't fear him as much.

"Pretty good," Finn nodded.

"I, uh, was wondering if I could borrow (Y/N) for a couple minutes?" Bill said, looking down into her eyes. She felt her cheeks warm up but luckily the room was dimmed so no one could notice.

They all nodded, wide smiles painted on their faces. "Yeah, yeah, of course," Finn agreed as the kids all whispered among themselves.

As the two were walking away, (Y/N) turned back to see the kids who were all making kissy faces, causing her to let out a small laugh.

"What?" Bill asked with a chuckle, placing his hand on the small of her back once again, guiding her through the crowd.

She shook her head with a smile. "Nothing."

Bill pulled the woman into a small hallway outside of the large ball room where the party was being held.

"How are you?" He asked, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her into him.

She wrapped hers around his neck. "I'm very good. How are you?" She asked, tucking her bottom lip as her gaze shifted from his captivating eyes to his plump lips.

"I miss you," he said before leaning down and brushing his lips against hers. It had been too long since he'd held her in his arms and oh had she missed it.

"I miss you, too," she quietly said before pressing her lips to his once again.

"Knew it!" They suddenly heard Jack shout, causing her to jump away from Bill. The startled young woman looked over and sure enough, all the kids were huddled together exchanging high fives. (Y/N) placed her hand over her racing heart and let out a small laugh as Bill chuckled.

"Our parents are actually together!" Jack said, as Bill wrapped his arm around (Y/N)'s waist.

"Well, come on! Get in here," Bill said with a chuckle before all the kids ran up and engulfed the couple in one big hug.

Bill Skarsgård ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now