i want her back | bill

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I Want Her Back part 1/2

Mentions of violence and sexual assault
(Y/S/C) = Your/Skin/Color 


Five o'clock rolled around and (Y/N) didn't hesitate with turning her work mode off for the day, gathering her belongings, and leaving the office. The winter breeze hit her hard, like a million little needles pricking her skin as the dark, clouded sky hung above.

Waiting outside of the building for her husband to pick her up, she stood for at least ten minutes. She then checked her messages and sure enough, she had one from him. 

Bill: I'm sorry, darling, but rehearsals are going late tonight. I'll bring us home some food.

(Y/N) sighed, dreading taking what could've been a half hour car ride back home, now an hour bus ride. 

(Y/N): No worries! See you at home.

The bus ride was long but what caught her attention most was the man who got on the bus after her. He sat a few rows behind her and she could feel his strong gaze on the back of her head and it made the hairs on the back of her neck stand. (Y/N)'s stop was the last stop as her and Bill lived just outside the city in their own little home, and she hoped the man would've gotten off at some point. He didn't. By the time it was her turn to get off, they were the only two left in the bus. 

She got off and started her ten minute walk back to her home at a quick pace. The neighborhood was dark and there wasn't another person in sight which led to a slight panic forming in her gut. 

When she looked back, he was a few meters behind her, his face covered by his hood and his hands in his pockets. What did he have in his pockets? A gun? A knife? Her mind kept wandering to the worst case scenario. 

As her pace quickened, his did too. When she started in a slow jog, panting from loss of breath and panic, that's when he sped up. She was at the entrance to an alleyway when he stepped right up behind her, clasped his hand around her mouth and pulled back into the alley.

(Y/N) tried screaming but it was muffled by his rough, calloused hand. She also tried thrashing her arms and legs in attempt to break free from his hold but he was too big and too strong. The last thing she felt was a prick in her neck and then darkness. 

- Three Months Later -

His days now consisted of daily visits to the police station, asking, begging, for any little bit of information on the search for his wife. They had an idea that she was kidnapped as the security cameras on the bus showed the man get on at the same stop as (Y/N) and get off right behind her but after that, nothing. Bill wholeheartedly blamed himself for her kidnapping as he was supposed to pick her up and take her home where they were to order in their favorite take-out, cuddle up on the couch, and get lost in their favorite show, that's how their Friday nights were always spent.  Now his Friday nights were spent sleepless and deep in a bottle of whiskey, sitting in silence so he could allow his thoughts to constantly punish him. 

The following day he went to the police station and was told the same thing he had been told for the past three months. 

"Sir, we are doing everything we can. Go home, get some rest and we'll call you the second we have some new information," the detective said. 

He argued the first few weeks but now was too tired to do so as he knew he would only be told the same thing over so for the first time in three months, he didn't go down to the station. He stayed home, in the chair that looked out the window, the raindrops cascading down blurring the view of the backyard. The backyard that the two of them had envisioned running around with their future kids, a family. A family that he now wondered if he would ever have with her. The thought brought tears to his eyes, once again.

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