room 323 | roman

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Warning: Mature Content
Note: HEY! Before you get into this Roman Godfrey sexiness, I've starting writing a book book so it would mean the absolute most to me if you went over and checked it out. It's called What The Waves Brought and it's something I'm a little proud of I guess. So yeah, anyway, enjoy the update!:)


"Here is your room key, sir. Enjoy your stay," she says to the customer on the other side of the counter with the friendliest, believable smile she can muster; one she has spent many years practicing, being the front clerk for a hotel. 

The man walks away and just as he's out of her line of view, she watches as another man comes walking from the cold winter night and into the lobby, this one much younger, taller, and handsome. He wipes his loafers against the mat, ridding them of any snow that lingered on the polished shoes and takes his hands from the pockets of his topcoat, rubbing them together in attempt to warm them.

The customers she usually deal with at this time of night are usually drunks, older business men who come in from a late flight, or people coming back from a night on the town. This man is a pleasant surprise.

The tasteful brunette then eyes her, giving her a nod as the corners of his plump lips carve into a small smile before he starts his walk over to the desk. 

"Good evening, sir. How may I help you?" She asks, the smile genuine this time. The man, now much taller as he's come closer, leans down on the counter with a nod.

"I'd like a room for the night," he says, clasping his hands on the counter as he looks down at her. 

The look in his captivating green eyes makes heat rush to not only her cheeks, but down her body and making her womanhood suddenly ache for him. Oh, the things she'd like this man to do to her. Clearing her throat before she speaks, she starts typing on the computer, pulling up the reservations for the night.

"May I have the name for the reservation?" She asks, sounding a little more timid as his presence starts to seem strong and dominating.

"I don't have one. I just need a room for the night and I'll be gone in the morning," he says, the corners of his lips twitching into a small, seductive grin that suddenly makes (Y/N)'s knees go weak. 

Now, she's even more nervous as she looks through and realizes they have no available rooms.

"Oh, I'm sorry sir but unfortunately we're all booked for the night," she says, avoiding his eyes as she anxiously awaits his reaction.

To her surprise, the man chuckles. "Come on. . ." he leans forward, his eyes squinted at her chest, making her shift her stance as she's not sure what to do. "(Y/N)." She relaxes as he was just looking at her name tag. "I'll be out in the morning, no one will even know I was here. I'm sure there must be something you can do," he says, looking deeply into her eyes. 

In that moment, it's almost as if a switch has been flipped in her brain. She wants to help him and she will do what she must to allow him to have what he wants. 

(Y/N) smiles. "I'm sure there's something I can do," she says, going back to her computer. Pulling up the reservations, she cancels one that was set to arrive later on this evening.

"Oops," she says. "Seems there was a glitch in the system. Room 323 is available for you, sir," she says, reaching under the counter and pulling out the key.

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