the crash | roman

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It had happened so fast. The animal came out of nowhere and she had no choice but to swerve. Before she knew it, her car was flipped over into the ditch. Her seat belt was jammed, making it impossible for her to move. Her cellphone was shattered to pieces and the closest person was miles down the highway that seemed to stretch on forever. With all the fear and hysteria clouding her mind, she didn't notice the large gash on her forehead that caused her to lose a lot of blood.

Roman was returning home after spending the entirety of the day at the White Tower, his car seemingly to be the only one on the highway in to Hemlock Grove. That was until he saw the flashing break lights come into view. At first, he thought the car to be pulled over, however, as he neared it, he noticed the car was flipped over and in the ditch. The curious young man slowed as he passed it, looking to see if there was anyone in the car. When he saw a still figure in the front seat, dangling upside down, he thought why not go over and check it out? No one was around, might give for a good meal. Especially after the long, tiresome day he had.

He pulled over on the opposite side of the rode, turned off his engine and sauntered over to the scene of the crash. As he neared, he began to hear panting, a loud, distressed panting and it seemed to be coming from a woman. Whoever was in the car was still conscious.

Once at the car, Roman bent down at the passengers side to get a look at who was in the car. The second his eyes laid upon the woman, all thoughts of him getting a taste of her blood disappeared. (Y/N) (Y/L/N) sat there, in clear panic, covered in blood. The two had gone to high school together and it was no secret Roman had taken a liking to her. A protective instinct suddenly kicked in and Roman knew he had to do something to get her free.

When she saw the familiar face, a slight feeling of relief washed over. Not enough, however, to completely ease her nerves.

"R-Roman?" She muttered, her eyes swollen from the tears that had been uncontrollably streaming down her face.

Roman's heart ached for her. Seeing (Y/N) in pain and distress made him feel something he had never felt before; sympathy.

"It's okay," he said, reaching across to her. "I'm going to get you out of here. I promise." He stared deep into her eyes when he told her, making her feel a great deal safer.

"Okay," she said under breath as the man sprung into action.

Suddenly, stars began to cloud her vision as her eyes went in and out of focus. The blood loss and pain became too much for the woman to handle so she had no choice but to succumb to the darkness.


(Y/N) slowly woke and gathered her senses. As her vision returned, she noticed she was in a bedroom, one that she had never seen before. Curious as to where she was, she pushed aside the pain in her forehead and scanned her surroundings. She was placed in a large, king sized bed and dressed in what seemed to be a man's shirt with her underwear still on. The young woman climbed out of the bed and walked across the room to the wall sized mirror, taking in her appearance. Her legs and arms and neck were bruised as well as a large gash on her forehead which was covered with a large band-aid. Her hair was down and the blood was gone. She was cleaned up. Slight panic began to rise in her chest. She couldn't recall the events of the previous night, who helped her, and where she was. The last thing she seemed to have remembered was a figure approaching her car ... then nothing.

Quietly, she exited the room and continued down the dimly lit hallway and proceeded down the stairs. If she had been kidnapped, why was she being taken care of so well? Once at the bottom of the stairs, she saw what seemed to be a man in the kitchen at the stove with his back towards her. The man was quite tall, at least over six feet, with styled dark hair and wore dark clothing. Within seconds, she knew who he was. He was Roman Godfrey, the wealthiest man in Hemlock Grove. She gasped, causing him to turn around startled with a pan in his hand and a spatula in the other.

"You're awake," he remarked before sliding some scrambled eggs onto two plates. She stood there in shock, eyes wide as her mind searched for something to say.

"Why am I here?" She asked, she partially knew the answer as she realized he was the figure that rescued her from the crash.

Once the plates were ready, he brought them to the table with two glasses of orange juice.

"You were in an accident," he stated, taking a seat at the head of the table. "I just happened to drive by."

She slowly nodded as her mind began to piece together the remaining events up until she lost consciousness. Roman then motioned to the seat next to him where the other plate of eggs laid, steaming. Knowing she had nowhere else to go, she decided to take the seat next to him and feed her grumbling stomach.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, watching the woman in awe as she devoured the eggs. The sight of her beauty made his heart flutter. Being in her presence made him feel like a different man. A better man.

"Fine, all things considered," she replied, taking a gulp the the orange liquid.

"I'm glad," he said. "I had a doctor come look at your wounds." At the thought of the doctor, she remembered how someone must've seen her naked in order to change her into fresh clothes.

(Y/N)'s cheeks flushed as she cleared her throat. "Did you, um..." she started but Roman cut her off, knowing what she was going to ask. "She changed your clothes, too," he said. A wave of relief washed over the young woman, now knowing Roman Godfrey hadn't seen her naked.

After finishing their meal in silence, (Y/N) then realized that she hadn't thanked Roman for saving her life.

She wiped her mouth with her napkin then looked up at him. "Thank you, for saving my life," she said.

The way he looked back at her made her cheeks blush. His eyes spoke a thousand words. He cared for her, and his adoring gaze made that very clear.

"I wasn't going to let you die," he replied.

They kept their gaze locked on each other for a few seconds longer, getting lost in each other's eyes. Roman knew he wanted to keep her in his life, but didn't want it to move too quickly or make her feel pressured in to anything, therefore he broke the contact, grabbed the plates, and sauntered back into the kitchen.

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