more than friends | roman

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(Y/N) woke to the scream of her alarm, forcing her to shut it off and roll out of bed. She grumbled as she did so, seeing as though she wasn't one for early mornings. However, school would do that. The young woman spent the morning getting ready then followed with breakfast before her ride showed up outside. Grabbing her school bag, she ran out the door and towards the familiar cherry red convertible.

"Morning, Roman," she cheered as she climbed in next to her good friend. Seeing his face every morning really did make getting up at the crack of dawn worth it. Roman flashed her a smile as he turned the key in the ignition, roaring the engine to life before speeding off down the road and towards Hemlock Grove High.

The ride to school was silent, but it was a comfortable silence. Although they were close friends, they didn't need to exchange much words in order to know how they felt about each other. 

Roman watched, a smirk painted on his face, as (Y/N) leaned out the window, letting her hair flow with the wind. She was beautiful, and the sight of her put a blush on his face. He wanted to tell her how he really felt, that he was in fact in love with her, but, she was all he had and he didn't want to scare her off. What he didn't know was that she held those same feelings for him and was too, scared of losing him which forced her to keep them on the back burner.

Once at the school, Roman walked (Y/N) to class as per usual. "I'll see you after school, alright?" He confirmed, knowing that after school they'd go to his home to study or get high, or both. (Y/N) saluted him in a joking manner which brought a smile onto his face.

After the first three periods of the day dragged on, the bell finally rang meaning it was time for her favorite subject, history. (Y/N) rushed to her class so she could get her preferred spot in the back corner. When she entered the classroom, she was surprised to see someone already beat her to it. It was the new guy, the one everyone was claiming to be a werewolf. He didn't scare her, she actually found him quite friendly.

"Excuse me?" She spoke, waking him from his light slumber. The rugged boy shot his head up, looking up at her. "You're in my spot," she remarked, looking down at him with a raised brow.

The man then leaned back in the seat, outstretching his legs before him. "Last I checked, this desk belongs to the school which means, fair game," he responded with a sly smirk. She respected him for his wit. 

More and more students began to pile in as the second bell rang, meaning class was starting. 

"Take your seats, class," the teacher spoke as she entered the room, shutting the door behind her.

(Y/N) narrowed her eyes at the boy. "This isn't over," she playfully warned before taking the seat in front of him. 

As class went on, the teacher introduced a new project that was to be done in pairs. Seeing as though (Y/N) nor the new kid had any friends in the class, they decided they'd tackle it together. 

"So, what do you say, (Y/N), wanna come get a start on this at my place after school?" The kid who went by the name of Peter, asked. (Y/N) nodded, "sure." 

The young woman then sent Roman a quick text, telling him she needed a rain-check on their plans. 

Roman was drifting in and out of sleep in his Biology class when he got the text from (Y/N). As he read it, jealousy began to knot in his stomach. She was his only friend, the only one he could go to when he felt alone and had nobody. The thought of her blowing him off for some other guy made his blood boil. He chose not respond as he was too angry to do so.

Once school ended for the day, (Y/N) and Peter began the walk towards the wooded area where his trailer was. The connection between the two was no doubt effortless. They could talk and bounce off each other quite easily. Although there was a connection, they both knew it was only as friends and nothing more.

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