met gala | bill

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Warning: Mature Content


(Y/N) emerged from her hotel room, ready to meet with her husband. She took a deep breath as she scanned herself in the mirror hung on the wall in the dimmed hallway.

Bill and his wife, (Y/N), had been invited to the Met Gala and with Bill being an actor, he was used to the red carpets and all the extravagant events. However, (Y/N) wasn't in that line of business and was still getting used to the whole thing.

"Holy shit," a familiar voice spoke from down the hall. "You look absolutely stunning." (Y/N) turned around to face her husband.

The dolled up young woman stood, looking down at her navy blue, silk, spaghetti strapped dress, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Bill approached her, wrapping his long arms around her waist and pulling her body into his.

"You clean up quite nicely yourself," she remarked before reaching up and connecting her lips with his soft ones.

"Ready?" He asked in a gentle tone. Bill felt his beloved tense up in his arms as a look of unease took over her alluring features.

Knowing full well of his wife's anxiety, he said, "I'll be right there beside you holding your hand the whole time," he assured, planting a chaste kiss on (Y/N)'s forehead. "Besides, the carpet part only lasts a few minutes."

(Y/N) inhaled in attempt to calm herself.

"I love you," she mumbled, tucking her lower lip between her teeth.

"I love you, too," he replied before releasing her from his grasp, taking her hand in his large one, and guiding her down the hall.

Once they arrived at the Gala, the couple were escorted out of the car and to the red carpet where they'd pose for the paparazzi. As promised, Bill kept (Y/N)'s hand in his and every now and then he'd give a reassuring squeeze to help soothe her nerves.

"Mr. Skarsgård, right this way," A short lady with a clipboard and headset said, guiding the couple through bustling crowd.

"All you've got to do is show the world you're beautiful smile, darling. Let them know how lucky I am to have you as my wife," Bill praised, taking his wife's head in his hands and giving her a passionate kiss on her scarlet lips.

At first, the flashing cameras and screaming fans were almost too much for (Y/N) to handle, but whenever Bill sensed his wife was in doubt, he'd whisper something in her to give her reassurance.  By the end, after seeing her husband look into the camera's and stare down the paparazzi with such dominance and power, she forgot all about the bustle around her and wanted nothing more than him. She truly was lucky to have him by her side.

"Baby, I can't wait much longer," she whispered, biting her lip as the heat between her legs grew.

Bill looked down at her, cocking a brow in confusion.

"I'm not wearing any panties," she continued, giving him a hint as to what she wanted as a look of lust overcame her hopeful eyes.

She couldn't help but giggle at Bill's reaction. His eyes went wide for a half second as he blushed.

The couple approached the end of the carpet and were escorted into the building. Bill then didn't hesitate to pull her into the first private space he could find. It was a men's bathroom hidden in the corner of the dimmed foyer.

The two entered the bathroom which was lined with stalls and urinals, it was pretty clean and quite modern looking. Bill locked the door before turning back to his wife where he began to kiss her feverishly, sprawling his hand on lower back and pulling her body flushed against his.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?" He asked as he began nipping at her neck. "I managed," she replied, fluttering her eyes shut as he continued to pleasure her.

The two stumbled back, tangled in each others arms. (Y/N) released a small squeal as her husband lifted her onto the counter between two sinks then hooked her legs around his waist.

"You lied to me," Bill muttered, his lips carved into a smirk as he held her black laced panties in his long fingers.

She shrugged. "I needed you," she replied with sly smirk, earning a chuckle from her husband in response.

(Y/N) then proceeded to unbuckle her lovers pants, wanting nothing more than what was underneath.

"How long until someone notice's we're gone?" The sex-driven woman asked as she unzipped his trousers.

Bill slid his hands up his beloveds thighs, "I'd say twenty minutes before they give a shit," he replied, causing (Y/N)'s grin only to grow wider.

Bill then took over by pulling down his boxers just enough to expose his long shaft. The sight of his member made (Y/N)'s breath hitch in her throat. Oh god, did she ever yearn for him.  Bill noticed his wife's lecherous glare so he spread he grabbed her waist and slid her forward on the counter, giving him better access to where to she wanted him most.

"Ready?" He asked, leaning down to shower her collarbone and neck with gentle pecks. "I'm so wet, Bill. Just fuck me," she breathed, licking her lips.

Bill then carefully slid his member between her walls, her juices acting as a lubricant making it easier for him to pleasure her. Her breath caught at the slight jolt of pain so Bill held his position so (Y/N) could adjust to his size. When ready, she gave him a nod, signalling for him to proceed. The pain lasted only a few seconds before it turned into intense pleasure, sending (Y/N) into deep bliss.  The couple were now panting as Bill quickened his pace, eager to give his lover the orgasm she wanted and deserved.

"Bill," she breathed as his member slid in and out of her throbbing womanhood.

Her moans and whimpers were like honey to his ears, making him want to give all of himself to her. Bill held his hand in the crook of her neck with the other on the counter next to her, steadying him as he went back and forth. (Y/N) had her arms wrapped around his shoulders, holding her upright.

lBill's member grew harder and harder as time passed, making (Y/N)'s climax approach quicker.

"Bill, I-I'm going to cum," she muttered between pants, her walls tightening around his member. With each of Bill's thrusts came a grunt from him as he felt himself near his high as well.

The man was now pounding into her, gripping the counter with both hands so he didn't fall over.

"Cum for me, baby," Bill pleaded as (Y/N) pulled herself closer to him.

"Oh my, god, Bill," she breathed as his final thrusts sent her over the edge, her orgasm sending her through a wave of pure ecstasy.

The sight of (Y/N) rolling her head back and lifting her knees up on his waist as she we was consumed by pleasure caused Bill to then follow as his high conquered him.

Once the two hit both of their climax's, Bill gently pulled out of (Y/N) before pulling up his boxers and trousers. (Y/N) stayed slumped on the counter, her chest drastically rising and falling with each pant.

"Feeling better?" Bill asked as he took (Y/N)'s hands and helped her off the counter. "I guess the Met Gala won't be so bad after all," she replied, reaching up and giving her husband a passionate kiss.

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