he cares | roman

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Dedicated to @takeshelter


The bell rang meaning it was time to head to the next period. (Y/N) stopped at her locker to get her books then made her way to her English class. She took her usual seat next to Shelly Godfrey then within seconds, the seats around her filled with desperate students.

"Morning, (Y/N), how was your weekend?" One girl asked, inching her desk closer to (Y/N)'s.

"Good," she replied, knowing full well it was an empty question in which the girl wouldn't care for the answer.

(Y/N) opened her work book to her completed homework then handed it to the girl for her to copy. "Thank you so much, (Y/N), you're a life saver," she said with a gasp as the blonde began copying down the answers.

(Y/N) was pretty well known around the school, but only because she was probably the smartest student with the highest GPA, thus everyone was always seeking her out for help. At school, the student body nuzzled up to her but on weekends, it was almost like she was a ghost and didn't exist. The only 'true' friend she had was Shelly Godfrey, and that was because she was the only one who actually talked to (Y/N) without taking advantage of her smarts; she didn't even glance down at her work in class. 

The bell then rang so she left the class and made her way down to her next period which was A.P. Biology.

"Hey, (Y/N), did you do the homework?" A boy asked, rushing up next to her.

(Y/N) nodded. "Yes, I did," she said with a sigh as she entered the class and took her seat.

"I, uh, couldn't get the last couple ones, do you mind-" (Y/N) slid her notebook onto his desk.

"Oh yeah, thank you so much (Y/N)," he said. She gave him a nod before pulling out her school supplies and getting ready for the class.

As expected, halfway through the class, the one and only Roman Godfrey came waltzing in and took the seat near the window, two seats down from her. Throughout the class, she'd notice his stare fixed on her from the corner of her eye. The way he was looking at her was a way that no one had ever really looked at her before. Not once had Roman asked to copy her homework or get a copy of her notes, unlike majority of the student body. The thought of him was refreshing.

On her way to lunch, (Y/N) stopped at her locker to exchange her books. As she was rummaging through her bag, she felt someone tap her shoulder. Startled, (Y/N) turned around and was greeted by the tall frame of Roman Godfrey.

"Hey, Roman, can I help you?" She asked, turning back to her locker to continue with her books.

The tall boy then moved beside her, tucking his hands in his pockets and leaning against the wall of lockers. "I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday so . . . happy birthday, (Y/N)" he said, causing her breath to hitch in her throat.

Although she was fairly well known around school, she didn't have any real friends. Therefore, no one knew it was her birthday today so how did Roman? He didn't seem like the type to give a shit about anyone but himself.

"How did you know?" She asked, keeping eye contact as she shut her locker.

"I have my sources," he said with a shrug before disappearing into the flow of the students.

(Y/N) suddenly became too emotional at the thought of someone actually caring about her so she rushed out of the school and to the stairwell down to the boiler room where she liked to hide when she was being ambushed by students who didn't do their homework.

The flustered young woman dropped down on one of the cold cement steps, burying her tear soaked face into the palms of her hands.  Minutes later, the door to the stairwell swung open. (Y/N) quickly wiped away her hot tears with her sleeves and turned to see who'd decided to join her. She was first blinded by the sunlight but then became surprised to see that it was Roman.

"Roman? What are you doing here?" She asked, her voice still shaky.

"I saw you run off. Are you all right?" He asked, a hint of concern in his green eyes. He seemed hesitant, like helping or caring for someone other than Shelly and himself was too much of a foreign action. (Y/N) nodded when it was most obvious that she was not. Roman noticed and immediately wrapped his arms around her, gently pulling her into his chest. Her tears then reappeared, staining his shirt.

"Is there anything I can do?" He asked after a couple moments, rubbing small circles on her back. (Y/N) took a deep breath, surprised to find Roman holding her so comforting.

"Just hold me," she said in a whisper.

This was the first human contact she'd had with someone other than her family for a long, long time. The second Roman took her in his arms, she felt a wave of overwhelming comfort wash over her. The way he was holding her and the look in his eyes told her that he actually wanted to be there for her and wasn't trying to get her in his bed; unless he ws extremely good at cover ups.

"You shouldn't be upset, (Y/N), it's your birthday! You're probably the most popular girl in school, are you having a party or something?" Roman asked, pulling away but keeping close to her.

A small laugh escaped (Y/N)'s mouth at the reality of her situation that Roman was unfamiliar with. "I'm not popular in the way you think, Roman. People only come to me for school work," she said, looking down at her clasped hands. A look of pity took over Roman's features as he gently wiped away a tear with his thumb. Her heart skipped a beat at his touch.

"Well, why don't you come over to my place? Shelly and I would love to have you for dinner. Plus, you're the only one Shelly considers a friend," he said with a chuckle causing her to let out a small snort.

"So?  What do you say, can I make your birthday one to remember?" Roman asked with a warm grin. (Y/N) hesitated then looked up into his welcoming eyes, a new look she was seeing on Roman.

(Y/N) wiped away the last of her tears with her sleeve then replied, "Sure."

Roman took her hand in his large one, lacing their fingers then pulled her up and out of the stairwell and into the sunlight.

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