the grand escape | bill

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He sacrificed himself for her. They were on the run after committing their biggest heist yet, however, the feds had caught up to them.

"Go, I'll buy you some time," Bill informed, holding his beloved by the shoulders so she would look at him. Tears were now streaming down her cheeks. Everything was happening too fast.

"No, Bill, no. I'm not leaving, not without you!" She protested, both of them starting to hear the sirens as they got closer and closer.

"(Y/N)! You have to go. I'm not letting them take you. So please, baby." He wiped her hair out of her face, his large hands placed on either side.

"I love you so much, (Y/N). You're my ride or die, baby. Don't forget that," he said, his brows furrowed as a tear escaped from his mesmerizing emerald eye.

"I will never forget you, my love," she muttered back before he passionately crashed his lips to hers for one last time. He pulled his lips away, leaving his forehead pressed against hers.

"Now, go," he whispered as she fell into full out sobs. He gently nudged her back where she then grabbed the duffel bag of cash and bolted out of the apartment.

- five months later -

She looked herself in the mirror, making sure the security guard uniform was convincing enough. Nodding to herself in approval, she placed the cap on before turning to leave the apartment. On her way out, she stepped over the body of who the uniform and apartment once belonged to, Officer Natalie Rushman. On her way to the car she had hot-wired earlier in the day, she got some stares from the neighbors but brushed them off. The only thing on her mind was Bill and that day was the day she was finally going to get him back.

She followed the map she had sprawled out on the passenger seat to the prison she was certain he was being held in. It took about two hours driving but she finally made it. Sitting in the car and facing the dark, gated building was definitely as intimidating as it sounded. However, she knew she had to do it. She had no choice. Drawing in a sharp breath, she put on the cap, pulling it down so it covered her eyes, then got out of the car.

When she got inside, she pulled out the I.D. she had stolen from the real Natalie Rushman, swiping it over the scanner and continuing towards the metal detector.

She got through no problem then put on everything she had to take off. When she entered through the gates, she lifted her palm where she wrote Bill's cell number. C211 was his cell so that's where she was headed. As she passed some other guards, she gave them a subtle nod in which they returned. No one seemed to really acknowledge, let alone notice, her presence which was exactly what she needed.

She passed the A block, then the B, and finally arrived at C, where she climbed the stairs to the second floor. With pure exhilaration and determination coursing through her veins, she marched down the wing, looking inside each cell as she passed, waiting for 211.

"two-oh-nine, two-ten..." she spoke to herself before she stopped in front of the cell where her beloved was supposed to be.

She stepped in front of it with a wide grin. However, inside wasn't Bill. Her smile instantly washed away. It was an older man, probably in his fifties who was laying in the bed, staring up at the cemented ceiling. When he saw her, a revolting hunger took over his dark, wrinkled eyes.

"Hey there officer, come to keep me company?" He asked, his tone sinister as he rose from his bed and approached the bars.

Now, anger was coursing through her.

"Where's inmate Skarsgard?" She growled. He only chuckled as he licked his cracked lips.

"Come in here and I'll tell ya," he replied. "Favour for a favour."

Swiftly, she reached in and grabbed him by the collar as she lifted her gun to his throat. "Tell me where he is or else--"

"They moved 'em to B208," a husky voice from the next cell spoke.

(Y/N) instantly released the scumbag and started towards B wing. She did the same thing as she did down the other wing; counting the cells before she got to B208. Sure enough, there he was, seated on the ground with his knees folded into his chest. His eyes, which had dark circles under them - probably from lack of sleep - looked up. The second he recognized who it was, the spark those emerald eyes once held, returned.

"Bill," she breathed, a wave of relief washing over her now that had she found him.

The man jumped to his feet, towering over her from the other side of the bars.

"What're you doing here?" he asked, his brows furrowed as an amorous grin grew on his face.

"I came to get you the fuck out of here," she informed as he placed his cold hand on top of hers through the bars.

"You're unbelievable," he noted with a chuckle, reaching through and caressing her cheek.

His touch ignited sparks throughout her body as she leaned into it. Now that she was feeling it again, it really made her realize how much she missed it.

"Okay baby, just one sec," she said as she pulled out her lock picking kit. Bill watched as she knelt down and went about trying to open the gate.

Within seconds, she managed to get it open. He flashed her a proud grin as she opened it. Without hesitation, they crashed into each other, pressing their lips together for the first time in a long time. His hands sprawled on her back as he held her body tightly against his. Everything around him seemed to have disappeared as he was beyond content that he had his lover back in his arms. The feeling was definitely mutual.

When he pulled back, his lean fingers tapped on the name tag she was wearing. "Who's Natalie Rushman?" he questioned with a snicker.

"I'll tell you everything later, okay? Right now, we have to get out of here," she urged, taking his hand and lacing their fingers as she began pulling him down the wing and towards the entrance of the prison.

Suddenly, the alarm sounded as inmates and guards went into panic.

"Shit," she muttered as the couple quickened their pace.

Out of nowhere, two guards came out of a side door, both armed. (Y/N) pulled the gun out of the holster and with two shots, they were down. Anyone and everyone who came in her way, she shot down. There was no way that the two weren't getting out of there alive.

As they made their way through the front gates and into the parking lot, they quickly got into the car where she began hot-wiring it so they could escape.

"Come on, (Y/N), they're coming," Bill urged from the passenger seat as guards started piling out of the doors.

Knowing they wouldn't make it, Bill took the gun and rolled down the window then started shooting. Some started firing back just as the engine roared to life.

"Yes!" (Y/N) cheered as she switched the gearshift into drive and stepped on the gas. Bill kept shooting until they were no longer facing the guards.

They kept shooting at the couple so Bill placed his large hand on (Y/N)'s neck, holding her head down just enough so she wouldn't get hit but could still see through the windshield. Seconds later, the shooting ceased. They did it. They escaped, together.

"Holy shit, did that just happen?" She asked, shocked as she sped down the quiet road and as far away from the prison as she could.

Bill chuckled. "I'm so fucking in love with you," he said in complete awe, reaching over and grabbing her face then pressing his lips hard, and passionately, against hers.

She laughed at the action. "Baby stop! There's no way I'm going to crash after surviving that," she said, eliciting a deep chuckle from the man next to her.

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