when we met | bill

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Dedicated to MrsLayhe0914


Bill walked into the room where he was greeted by the interviewer.

"Hey, Bill, how are you?" She asked, extending her hand.

He shot her a warm grin as he shook her hand. "I'm excellent, thank you, you?" He politely inquired.

She returned the grin as they sat opposite each other. "Good, good. So, to start off, I wanna say congratulations on your recent wedding," she cheered, earning a blush from the man as he chuckled. "How's the married life treating you?" She questioned.

His blush only grew stronger. "It's... amazing. I'm so lucky to have gotten the most extraordinary woman. I don't really know what I did to deserve her but here we are," he chuckled in reply.

"Tell us about her. I heard you were high school sweethearts and it went on from there, but how did you fall in love, like when did you know she was the one?" She questioned.

He smirked to himself as he reminisced in the memory. "Well..."

She walked to her class, hugging her books to her chest as she weaved through the student body. (Y/N) didn't have many friends in high school, she usually just flew under the radar where no one paid much attention to her. She had her one friend, (Y/F/N), but that was it, she didn't want or need anyone more.

As she was walking through the halls, she didn't realize her shoelace was undone until it was too late. The lace got caught under her other foot, causing her to stumble forwards and onto the ground where her books fell out of her arms and scattered around everywhere. Everyone cleared a space for her as they looked down at her, some laughing and whispering among each other. (Y/N) had never felt more embarrassed in her entire life.

"What're you all looking at? Keep moving!" A voice shouted from behind her. Instantly, everyone went back to what they were doing, ignoring her once again. The young woman could feel her cheeks burning a bright red.

"Are you okay?" The same voice asked as he knelt down next to her, picking up her books that were out of her reach. She nodded, too humiliated to speak.

"Here, let me help you," he insisted as he took her hands, helping her back up to her feet.

"Th-Thanks," she stuttered, flattening down her shirt. She still hadn't built up the courage to look into his eyes, meaning, she still didn't know who was kind enough to help her.

He still had her books in his hand as he examined her to make sure she wasn't hurt. As she reached out to grab them, he moved back. "It's okay, I got them. What class do you have next?" He asked.

She was so shy and nervous, she held her gaze on the ground. "History," she replied in a whisper, almost inaudible.

He nodded. "I'll walk you," he offered. "After I tie your shoe, though. I don't want you falling again," he said with a snicker, hoping to lighten the mood. It did manage to put a smile on her face.

The man then bent down before her, placing her books on the ground next to him as he took her laces and began tying. She knew people were looking and whispering about it. She even heard someone say, "wait, is Bill dating (Y/N)?"

Bill. She knew who he was. Bill Skarsgard was one of the most popular guys in the school, thankfully one of the nice ones, that's what she'd heard, at least.

When he finished, he stood, towering over her as they continued to walk down the hall towards her history classroom.

"I'm Bill, by the way," he introduced, walking so close to her, their arms were brushed up against each other.

She knew she had the most obvious blush, and she knew he noticed which made it even worse. This was the most attention she had gotten from a guy, ever.

"(Y/N)" she responded.

At the door - while students passed, filing into the classroom - the two stood facing each other. Bill was leaning against the door-frame with his long arms crossed over his chest.

"History's my favorite subject," he mentioned as (Y/N) tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Mine too," she replied, her voice louder than a whisper as she was becoming more confident in speaking to him. There was just something about his presence; he was warm and kind and made her feel at ease.

"Well, (Y/N), maybe we should get together after school some time and work on it together. Two brains are better than one, y'know," he informed with a wink, making her knee's almost give out.

She looked up into his eyes with an amiable grin. "That'd be nice," she replied.

He chuckled. "Good, it's a date," before heading off down the hall with a skip in his step, towards his class.

Bill Skarsgård ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now