haunted by her past (4) | bill

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note: I don't ever put songs to listen to while reading a part but i decided to for this one. As I was writing this part I was listening to this and it just fit so perfectly:) Enjoy!
Haunted by Her Past part 4/4


She had to act fast. She had no time to lay there, soaked in blood and tears. If she waited any longer, Bill would be in grave danger. As she began to hear grunts in the living room, (Y/N) grabbed onto the counter to pull herself up. The slightest movement sent shocks of pain through her leg and body but she had to push past it.

"Come on," she muttered to herself as she stood, favoring her other leg.

She then wobbled into the living room where she saw Jared stood above Bill, knife in hand. From the corner of her eye, under the table, she saw an object... the gun. (Y/N) hobbled over to it, picking it up.

"She will be mine," she heard Jared say as he lifted the knife in the air, bringing it down into Bill's side.

"NO!" (Y/N) shrieked as she began firing the gun into Jared, three rounds to be exact.

The attacker stood for a moment in shock before dropping to the ground next to Bill, who was panting, still trying to process what had just happened.

"Bill," (Y/N) cried, rushing over to her beloved, completely ignoring her own pain.

He laid there, his hand clutching where his new wound was. His chest was drastically rising and falling with each pant, his lungs aching for air. (Y/N) dropped down next to him, tears dripping from her eyes as she wheezed from the searing pain in her thigh.

"(Y/N)?" Bill choked, clearly in a state of shock and panic.

The young woman knew she had to get him help as quickly as she could. As she began to hear the sirens come screaming down the street, she decided that she had to get him downstairs.

"Bill, we have to get downstairs, okay? The police are coming," she assured. No doubt a neighbor called the authorities when they heard the first gunshot.

Bill nodded, so (Y/N) used all of the strength she had left to lift him. With one hand clenching his wound, Bill used the other to wrap around his wife for support. (Y/N) wrapped one of her arms around his back, holding him up while she used the other to grab onto his hand which was slung around her shoulders.

"Come on, baby," she muttered, the pain in her thigh becoming almost too much for her to bear.

Leaving Jared's body on the ground in their living room, Bill and (Y/N) left the apartment and headed down to the lobby. There wasn't any neighbors in the hallway, all probably too scared to leave after hearing the altercations and gunshots.

As she tried to help him down, her vision began to blur, the pain and blood loss starting to consume her.

"Almost there," she said to not only Bill, but herself as well as they descended the fire escape.

Between the both of them, there was a massive trail of blood, both covered in the crimson liquid as well.

Once on the ground level, they pushed through the door into the lobby. Although she was seeing stars and her vision was narrowing, she was able to catch a glimpse of the red and blue flickering lights as people in uniforms came running towards the building.

"Help," she croaked. Her eyelids then grew too heavy as her knees began to give out.

"(Y/N)?" Bill said in worry as her grip loosened and she collapsed down to the floor. "(Y/N)!" Was the last thing she heard before the darkness hit.

Bill then used the remainder of his strength to push the door opening, allowing the police to come in and assist.

"Apartment 203, we were attacked," Bill said as the cops took out their guns and headed up the stairs. A few of them stayed back and sprung into action with helping Bill and (Y/N).

"Sir, come with me," A cop said, wrapping her arm around Bill's torso for assistance. "No, help her, I'm okay," he lied. "We are, but you need help as well," she replied.

The worry and fear that was coursing through Bill was almost unbearable. The woman he loved most in the world was laying unconscious on the floor, covered in her own blood while he was being escorted into an ambulance. He wanted to do more, to stay with her, but he knew he had no choice in the current situation.

"(Y/N)" He cried out, tears staining his cheeks. Everything was happening too fast.


(Y/N)'s eyes fluttered open to more darkness. As her vision began to clear she tried to sit herself up, however the pain in her leg made it difficult to do so.

"(Y/N)?" She heard a familiar voice. She turned her head and their laid her husband, in a hospital bed next to her. The lights were off so she almost couldn't see him.

"Bill, what happened? Where are we?" She asked, her memory still foggy. "Just relax, alright? I'm gonna get the doctor," he said, reaching over and pressing a button next to his bed.

"I'm so glad you're awake," he remarked.

Suddenly, events began to flood back into her brain. Jack, Jared, the house, the knife, everything.

"Oh my, god, Bill, are you okay?" She asked, shooting up, again ignoring the pain. "Yeah yeah, just a surgery and some stitches, you got some too," he said with a chuckle, trying to lighten the mood.

"How long was I out?" She asked.

"A few days," he replied. "You lost a lot of blood and when you were helping me, it was too much strain on your body," his demeanour then changed as he looked down at his lap, tears welling in his eyes. "I was worried that was it," he muttered.

Her brows curved up, her heart aching for him. She then flipped her blanket off of her, climbing out of the bed and limping towards his.

"What're you doing? You need to rest your leg," Bill said with concern.

She waved him off. "Oh please, baby, we almost died, I think I deserve to climb in bed with my husband," she said in a jokingly seductive tone.

Bill didn't protest, instead he shuffled over, making space for her. (Y/N) climbed in next to him, nuzzling her head into his neck as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, holding her close.

"I love you so much, (Y/N)," Bill whispered, pressing his lips to (Y/N)'s head.

"And I love you," she replied.

After almost loosing him for good, (Y/N) didn't want to be anywhere else than where she was then, tucked in the arms of the one she loved.

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