midnight swim | henry

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note: i've finally been able to watch Battlecreek! which meannnnns that some henry pearl imagines are going to be coming your way:) it's been a long time coming haha


Her shift at the bar had finally come to an end. After dealing with drunken locals and truckers who were passing through Battlecreek, for hours on end, (Y/N) decided to head down to the lake to refresh herself before going home for the night.

She left the bar just after midnight and made her way through the woods and down the path to the quiet lake that sat under the moonlight and blanket of glittering starts above. In a town as dull as Battlecreek, it baffled her how beautiful one little spot could be.

As she was undressing down to her bra and underwear, she heard a splash in the water which made her freeze. (Y/N) looked down the way and saw what seemed to be a young man, spread out on his back as he floated in the water, staring up at the night sky. She recognized him but couldn't put a name to the face.

"How's the water?" She asked, taking him by surprise as he shot up, his chestnut hair slicked down from the water as he turned to face her.

The corners of his lips twitched into a small smile. "Refreshing," he said. (Y/N) nodded before she stepped in. The coolness of the water sent a shiver through her body as she entered. And when she was about waist deep, she lifted her hands above her head and dove in the rest of the way.

The man smiled as he watched her graceful dive; a small blush appearing on his face.

When she came up out of the water, she could no longer touch so she used her arms to tread water to keep herself  up.

"I'm (Y/N)," she said, giving him a half smile. 

He nodded, his pale green eyes fixed on her angelic face. "Henry," he said.

Henry. She knew exactly who he was. Melinda told her about him at the diner. He was the son of Tallulah Pearl; the boy who had a rare condition which didn't allow him to be in the sun without getting severely burned. That would explain why he was out swimming at this hour; it was the only time of day he could be outside.

"So, (Y/N). What's your excuse for a midnight swim?" He asked as he swam towards her but kept a fair distance.

Now that he was closer, she was able to see his prominent features more clearly. His mesmerizing pale green eyes; his soft, chestnut hair; his plump, round lips; his define jawline and cheekbones. He definitely was a sight for sore eyes. 

Henry could say the same about her.

"I come here to clear my mind sometimes. To enjoy the peacefulness and tranquility," she said, leaning back and closing her eyes as she lightly twirled her fingers to feel the water between them.

Heat rushed into Henry's cheeks as her figure brushed the surface of the water. He tried to keep his eyes on her face but the rest of her was just too beautiful. However, when she lifted her head back up and her body disappeared back under the water, he looked back up into her eyes.

"Well, Henry," she said as she began swimming back towards the shore. "I hope to see you here again." Her leg brushed against his as she passed him which sent a shudder through both of them.

"I'm counting on it," he said as she walked up and out of the water. At his words, she turned and gave him a smile in which he returned.

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