our home | bill

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As they drove back to their shared apartment, they couldn't contain their elation. The cans attached to the car clanked along the ground with the 'Just Married' sign stuck to the back window. As they drove down the main street, (Y/N) caught a glimpse of the Victorian house that sat on top of the hill just on the outskirts of town.

"Oh my, god, Bill, isn't it beautiful?" She inquired, watching it in awe as they drove past. Bill looked over, a wide grin permanently plastered on his face.

"It's stunning, just like you, my wife," he said, taking her hand in his, lacing their fingers, and bringing them up to his mouth to place a peck on the back of hers. She looked over at him, giggling at his cheap flirtation.

She looked back to get one last glance before they passed it. "That's my dream home."


A few weeks had past and it was finally the time to give (Y/N) her wedding gift. The minute the couple laid eyes on the house on the hill, he knew he had to get it for her. It was her dream home and it was his duty to make her dreams become her reality.

"Sign here, and here," the agent said, pointing to the lines on the documents. Bill's lips curved into a grin as he finalized the deal.

"And voila, the house is yours," the agent commented. "Pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Skarsgard." Bill shook the middle-aged mans hand.

"Couldn't thank you enough," Bill replied. The agent waved him off. "Your wife will be very pleased," he said, just before leaving their apartment.

Now, the waiting began. Bill did everything while his beloved was at work and she was expected home within the hour. He went about, cleaning and organizing, unable to hold back his excitement. It only grew when he heard the front door unlock, meaning she was home. Sure enough, (Y/N) came sauntering in, placing her keys in the dish by the door.

"Baby, I'm home!" She called, kicking off her shoes. Bill came from around the corner, holding a piece of fabric in hand.

"How was work?" He asked, snaking his arms around her waist and pulling her into him. (Y/N) wrapped her arms around his neck as she stood on the balls of her feet to kiss him. "As good as can be," she muttered.

Noticing how giddy he was, she had to ask. "What's up with you today?"

"I have a something for you. Think of it as a late wedding gift," he said, placing a firm kiss on her forehead. She was confused, but his exuberance was contagious towards her. He then placed his hands on her shoulders, turning her around before wrapping and tying the bandanna over her eyes.

"Ooo, getting kinky, are we?" She said, tucking her lower lip between her teeth. Bill chuckled. "It's not what you think," he informed her, eliciting a pout from the woman.

Bill helped his wife with putting her shoes on before guiding her out of the apartment, down to the garage, and into the car.

"Bill, where are we going?" She asked, putting her seat belt on while he climbed into the drivers seat.  "You'll see," he said, his wide grin not fading as he roared the engine to life.

"Can I have a hint?" She asked, slightly freaking out with not being able to see anything.


After about fifteen minutes of driving, (Y/N) felt the car come to a stop then the engine cutting.

"Are we here?" She asked, the excitement, as well as nerves, building. "Yes, we are," he replied before getting out and rushing over to the passenger side to help his wife out of the car.

As she climbed out, she began to hear the rustling of the leaves around her as well as the fresh pine scent. She instantly knew they weren't in the city anymore.

"Baby, where are we?" She asked.

"Just wait one sec," Bill replied before pulling the keys to the house from his pocket. "Okay, take off your blindfold," he said.

Slowly, she did. It took her eyes as second to adjust to the beams of sun hitting her face, but once they did, she saw a set of keys dangling before her face. She then looked past them and there sat the house her heart longed for since seeing it for the first time on her wedding day. (Y/N) knew what this meant, causing her heart to pound against her rib cage and her head to become slightly foggy.

"Bill..." she breathed, looking up at her husband who stood with a proud, loving grin on his face. "You didn't."

He nodded. "It's ours, baby," he acknowledged. Tears instantly started streaming from her (Y/E/C) eyes. Without hesitation, she jumped into her husbands arms, pressing her lips to his.

"I love you so fucking much!" She squealed as he spun her around, laughing at her joy and excitement.

"On our wedding day, I saw in your eyes how much you loved it so I had no choice but to get it," he admitted as he set her down.

"You are truly remarkable, Bill Skarsgard," she noted, reaching up to kiss him one more time before the two went running towards where they'd spend the rest of their lives together.

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