back in his arms | roman

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"Roman, It's over! We are over!" She cried as she ran down the marble steps of the Godfrey Mansion and towards the enormous front door.

"(Y/N), get back here! I'm not done with you!" He yelled, rushing down the stairs after her.

(Y/N) halted, her chest drastically rising and falling with each breath. Her tears began to cascade down her flushed cheeks, staining the pink skin.
She then turned to face the aggravated man. "Roman, how hard is it to say it back, huh? All we do is fuck. Whenever you're horny, you call for me and I'm there like a dog playing fetch. But the second I speak up because I want a little more, it's too much for you? From now on, you can call one of your many other whores because I'm out," she said before turning on her heel and leaving the mansion.

Roman racked his brain for something to say but ended up fruitless. Instead, he followed the enraged woman to the door and watched as she disappeared down the driveway. Furious that she had called it quits and got away, he smashed his hand against the wooden door frame before re-entering the house, slamming the door behind him.


It had been nearly two weeks since (Y/N)'s falling out with Roman and he hadn't left her mind since. Every morning she awoke with his image planted in her brain and she just could not seem to dig it out. All she could think about was the way he made her feel when he touched her, held her and made love to her; the way no one else ever could. She was sure she'd never meet anyone like Roman Godfrey so she was beginning to regret walking out on him. But then she'd remember that to him, she was nothing but a booty call that could easily be replaced.

(Y/N) was situated in her room, studying for her upcoming English exam when she heard a loud knock against her window, causing her to jump in her seat. She shook it off, assuming it was just a tree branch tapping her window do to the rain and wind storm. Right when she went back to studying, it happened again, and this time a little louder. (Y/N) decided to check it out to see if she could stop the annoying sound.

When she opened her window, she noticed there wasn't a tree branch close enough to be tapping it. As she was scanning the gloomy outdoors, her eyes landed upon a figure standing on the paved pathway down below. It took her a moment to figure out who it was, but when she did, her eyes shot open as her heart sank in her chest.

"Roman?" She said under her breath, recognizing his tall, slim build. In complete disbelief that Roman had come back for her, (Y/N) didn't hesitate to rush downstairs to meet him face to face.

When she got downstairs, she took a deep breath — unsure of how to proceed — before opening the front door.

"Roman, what are you doing here?" She called over the loud patter of the rain hitting the pavement.

Roman drew in a deep, shaky breath; half from the cold, half from the tears he was trying to hold back. "I messed up, (Y/N). Being without you has made me realize how much I need you. How much I love you," he said causing her heart to skip a beat. It turned out she wasn't just a booty call to him after all.

"Roman, come inside, it's freezing," she said, her voice warm and welcoming. The frigid man hesitated before striding over to her.

"You're shivering, Roman. How long were you out there for?" (Y/N) asked, bringing the drenched man into her home then guiding him up the stairs into her bedroom. "L-long e-enough," he said with a stutter, his lips turning a dark shade of blue.

(Y/N) quietly shut her door behind him, careful not to wake her slumbering parents.

"Let's get you out of those clothes," she said, her heart sinking at the sight of her lover shivering before her.

(Y/N) assisted the man with removing his soaked clothing. Once he was left in only his boxers, she lead him to the bed where she tucked him under the soft, warm covers. She didn't want him to become more uncomfortable than he already was, so she thought it'd be best if she slept in the guest bedroom, giving him his space for the night. However, when she turned to leave the dark room, Roman spoke up; "Join me," he said.

(Y/N) hesitated, contemplating whether or not it would be best that she shared the bed with him. Eventually, she gave in to his request, turning back and climbing into the bed next to him. Roman wrapped his long arms around her shoulders, allowing her to fold her arm around his bare chest and nuzzle her face in the warmth of his neck.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N), for everything. I want you to know that you mean much more to me than you think and I was a fool to treat you so poorly. I know an apology isn't enough because you deserve so much more but it's all I can offer at the moment," he said in almost a whisper, breaking the comfortable silence. (Y/N) drew in a deep breath, the words he had just professed were the words she didn't know she needed to hear.

"It's okay, Roman. Just you being here with me is enough," she said before reaching up and brushing her lips against his. The way his soft lips moved with hers made her feel as though she was right where she belonged; tangled in the arms of the one person she held most dear to her heart.

"I love you, (Y/N), and I promise I will never let you go. Not again," he said, pressing his lips to the side of her head as if to reassure her that he'd stay true to those words.

"I love you too, Roman, and I'm not going anywhere."

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