midnight adventure | bill

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Warning: Mature Content


"I think this is it here," she said, looking down at the GPS. Sure enough a small, beautiful, rustic cabin appeared through the tree's causing large grins to appear on their faces.

It had been a couple weeks since her husband, Bill's new film 'IT' hit theaters so with all the press and travelling he'd been doing, the couple decided to take a little time and seclude themselves deep in the woods to finally relax; away from the press, the paparazzi, and their busy schedules.

(Y/N) let out a breathless gasp. "Oh my god, Bill, it's beautiful," she said as they pulled up into the gravel driveway.

Bill lifted their clasped hands to his mouth and gave the back of hers a light kiss. "Nothing but the best for you, my love," he said before cutting the engine.

(Y/N) climbed out of the car and was instantly greeted by a cool, fall breeze which caused the brown, red, and yellow leaves of the tree's to dance around under the warm rays of sun. Her eyes were then drawn to the lake ahead of her in which the cabin overlooked. The wind caused small ripples but other then that, it was like a picture you'd see on a postcard - unreal, almost.

"Excited for tonight?" Bill asked as he sauntered up behind his wife, wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his chin on her shoulder.

"What's tonight?" She asked with a quizzical frown, leaning her head back against her lover's chest.

A half smile appeared on his face. "Skinny dipping, of course," he said, causing her to giggle as she turned around in his grasp, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Oh yeah?" She reached up and gave him a peck on his lips.

He chuckled. "Hell yeah."

It was now after dark and the two were just finishing up with the dishes from dinner.  (Y/N) had spent most of the afternoon down on the dock or up in the cabin, tangled in Bill's arms.

"Hey, Bill?" She said once she had finished with the washing. Bill turned to face her after putting the last plate up in the cabinet. "Would you like to go for that dip now?" She asked, tucking her lip between her teeth.

Excitement instantly took over his features. Bill nodded before disappearing into the bedroom then coming out minutes later with a towel wrapped around his waist eliciting a snicker from his wife at how quick he was.

The two walked hand-in-hand down to the silent lake. The chilled breeze caused goosebumps to prickle their skin as a shudder made it's way up (Y/N)'s spine.

"Are you sure you still want to do this?" She asked, slightly regretting her decision to go swimming at midnight in the dead of Autumn.

"Come on, (Y/N), it's a midnight adventure," he said, trying to encourage her before he placed a kiss on the side of her head and dropped his towel.

The shivering woman couldn't help but laugh as her husband ran and dove off the end of the dock, bare naked. (Y/N) rushed to the edge as Bill came back up to the surface.

"It's so warm in here!" He said as he laid back, looking up at the starry sky with his arms outstretched on either side of him. (Y/N) took a deep breath before dropping her towel and jumping in next to him.  The cold water hit her harder than she expected causing her to let out several gasps after she came up to the water's surface.

"I told you it was warm," he said with a chuckle as he swam up to his shivering wife and wrapped his arms around her bare waist, allowing (Y/N) to wrap her legs around his.

"Fucking liar," she said with scowl, wrapping her arms around Bill's neck before touching her nearly blue lips to his.

The two then began to kiss each other feverishly, their lips moving in sync causing her body to heat up a little more. (Y/N) smiled against Bill's lips as she began to feel Bill's hard form against her core.

"Well hello there," she said with a flirtatious grin.

He chuckled. "Ready to go inside?" He asked. (Y/N) nodded without hesitation before exiting the water and rushing up into the warm cabin.

Bill laid her down on the bed then crawled on top of her. He started by  kissing her in a gentle, seductive manner then traveled down to her neck where he began to leave little love bites. (Y/N) rolled her head back and grabbed a fist full of his chestnut hair as he began sucking on her sweet spot. Bill smiled against her neck as she let out little whimpers. His hand then traveled down to her core where he began teasing her pulsing bundle of nerves.

"Bill, I need you," she breathlessly said, arching her back from the pleasure his fingers were causing her. Bill lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist but he didn't enter. Instead, his long fingers made their way inside of her, causing her to let out a gasp as her back, again, arched into him. He began to pump harder and harder forcing (Y/N)'s orgasm to come quick.

"Stop teasing me and fuck me," she demanded causing him to chuckle as he retreated his hand. (Y/N) loved the magic his fingers could make but at this moment, she wanted nothing but his member deep inside of her.

Bill lined himself up with her entrance then slowly slid inside of her. Her eyes rolled back as he filled her up, causing her to shudder under his touch. One of Bills hands was next to her torso while the other was up near her face, holding himself above her. His pace began to quicken, each rough thrust eliciting a moan from the euphoric mess beneath him.

"B-Bill," she said with a stutter as she felt her orgasm near, causing her to arch against him and dig her nails into his back.

He was now pounding into her and with each thrust, he emitted a grunt and she let out a loud moan.

"You feel so fucking good,
(Y/N)," he growled as the headboard slammed against the wall with each of his thrusts.

"I'm... gonna c-come," (Y/N) said, the two now dripping with sweat from their body heat.

Bill watched her intensely, loving the way she crumbled beneath him so easily. She felt Bill's member twitch inside of her which sent her over the edge. (Y/N) took a fist full of Bill's hair and nuzzled her face into his neck as her body became consumed by wave of pleasure.

"Oh my, god," she breathed as her eyes shut and her legs began to shake.
With one last rough thrust, Bill reached his climax as well causing him to let out one last grunt.  Once their orgasms had passed, Bill flopped down next to her, panting.

"That was fucking amazing," he said with a breathless chuckle.

"We're definitely coming back here again," she said before inching closer to her husband and wrapping her arm around his torso, allowing him to tuck his under her neck.

Bill began to trace small circles on her upper arm with his index finger, the relaxing sensation sending her into a deep slumber.

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