interview | bill

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(Y/N) was sitting at home on the couch, waiting for Jimmy Kimmel to start. She didn't watch talk shows very often but she was kind of obligated to because her fiance, Bill Skarsgard, was invited as a guest on the show to talk about his new film, IT.

The woman's proud smile grew wide when she heard Jimmy introduce Bill. Her heart fluttered as her beloved sauntered out onto the stage, his ever so handsome smile illuminating the studio.

Jimmy stood to shake Bill's hand. "Welcome, Bill, it's good to have you on the show," he greeted before the two took their seats, the audience continuing to cheer and clap. "Thank you. It's good to be here," Bill replied with a chuckle, fixing his jacket as he scanned the animated crowd.

Jimmy didn't hesitate to cut straight to the chase. "Okay, so, for starters, you have a lot of good things going for you right now, right? I mean, you're known as the 'hot clown' and you just recently got engaged! Congratulations on both," Jimmy said causing the audience to erupt in lively cheers. Both (Y/N) and Bill couldn't help but blush at his comment.

"Thank you, thank you," Bill said with a chuckle, absorbing the audiences energy.

"You decided to tie the knot before she could dump you for being a killer clown that eats children?" Jimmy inquired with a snicker, eliciting one from Bill as well. "Yeah, you know, I got worried a little when I found out I got the part," Bill confessed.

"So what exactly was her reaction when you told her the news?" Jimmy questioned, clasping his hands on his desk with a curious frown and an eager grin. "It's funny because when I first told her, she was ecstatic because she loves the original Tim Curry version and the book. From there, it slowly went downhill," Bill admitted with a nervous chuckle causing the audience to roll over with laughter, Jimmy along with them.

"Was the whole clown thing a turn off?" Jimmy asked. "Well, when we started filming, I flew her out to Ontario to come visit me because she was over the moon excited to see the costume in person. She'd only seen pictures. So, I thought it'd be a good idea - since she's a big horror geek - to, you know, freak her out a little," Bill started as Jimmy and the rest of the audience gasped.

"Oh no," Jimmy commented. "Yeah. So, she flew out and came to set and the first place she went was my trailer because she was told I was shooting and wouldn't be back for a bit. She went into the trailer and after a couple minutes the lights turned off. She went to the door and the door was locked and now she was panicking, right? And I was in the trailer, starting to feel a little guilty, but we were already doing it so I had to go through with it. Anyway, the lights go on and I'm standing behind her in full clown costume with that devilish look. Oh my, god, I've never heard a scream so loud in my life," he said, causing the audience to, again, erupt in laughter, Jimmy along with them. "That would've done it for me," he said, throwing his hands up in defeat.

Bill couldn't help but laugh, as he reminisced in the traumatizing memory. "After a couple moments she was able to process that it was me and then she just walked out of the trailer. It took her a while to forgive me," Bill remarked with a chuckle.

(Y/N) laughed along with them, remembering that little encounter all to well.

"I mean, now you're engaged so that's a good sign," Jimmy stated. Bill nodded his head, a proud grin plastered on his face. "Yes it is, she's still with me which is a very good sign."

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