best friend's brother | roman

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Dedicated to lunarloo
Warning: Mature Content


"Morning, Shelly!" (Y/N) greeted as she met up with her friend in the hallway.  Shelly smiled down at (Y/N), her tall frame towering over the entire student body.  "So, uh, I accidentally left my English novel and notebook at your house from when we were studying. Is it okay if I come by after school to pick them up?" She asked, dodging students who, for some reason, thought she was invisible even though she was standing next to a seven-foot-tall girl.

Shelly typed something on her phone before it spoke, "Roman will be home after school, if that's alright with you?"

(Y/N) nodded. "That's fine," she said with a wink before parting ways with her friend.

(Y/N) had been friends with Shelly for quite some time now but has always kept her distance from her older brother, Roman. Whenever he saw her in the halls or in class, he would give her a stare; a stare that was almost like a warning. Maybe he didn't trust her because Shelly didn't have any friends besides her and her cousin Letha. The thing is, (Y/N) didn't have any friends either so he was just going to have to suck it up because there was no way she was ending her friendship with Shelly for his sake.

After school (Y/N) drove over to the Godfrey Mansion, the eerie building sending a shiver down her spine. The young woman parked her car and sauntered up to the home. As she was walking through the gate, she looked up at one of the windows and oddly enough, she saw Roman, shirtless, staring down at her with a cigarette tucked between his lips. She gulped before breaking eye contact and knocking on the large door.

"Hello, (Y/N)," Shelly's phone greeted as Shelly waved.

"Hey, Shelly," she said, entering the large foyer and closing the door behind her. Shelly held up her hand, signalling for her to wait. (Y/N) nodded before Shelly darted up the stairs to her room where (Y/N) left her stuff.

The young woman was minding her own business, admiring the classic paintings when someone cleared their throat behind her, snapping her from her daze.

"Oh, hey Roman," she greeted, tucking her hair behind her ear.

"(Y/N)," he said with a nod, crossing his arms while leaning against the door frame, his eyes intensely fixed on her.

"What're you doing here?" He asked in a low, interrogatory tone.

"I, uh, left my English homework here the other day so I came to pick it up," she honestly replied, shifting on her heel.

"Ah. Shelly tells me you two are friends," he dryly remarked, taking a couple of intimidating steps towards her.

(Y/N)'s breath caught in her throat as he closed the gap between the two. "W-we are," she said in more of a mumble, avoiding eye contact with the daunting boy.

He gave her a harsh smile. "See, I think you're just being nice to her so you can ruin her like all the other kids at school," he said in a growl, now inches from her face, his eyes filled with a look of hate and anger.

"That's not true. S-she's my only friend and I'd never hurt her," she said in a more confident tone so he knew she was not lying, which she wasn't.

"I love my sister more than anything so that means I won't hesitate to destroy whoever decides to harm even one hair on her body," he seethed.

(Y/N) stood her ground. "Neither will I," she said, looking up into his mysterious green eyes.

Roman was slightly taken aback by her sudden confidence and to him, it was actually quite attractive. Roman then stepped away from her and disappeared down the hall, leaving her standing in slight shock that she was able to stand up to the most powerful man in Hemlock Grove. However, although he did intimidate her quite a bit, she couldn't deny the strong feeling of lust she currently felt in her gut for him.

Shelly then returned with the books in hand. The tall girl handed them to (Y/N) with a wide grin.  (Y/N) took them, exchanging the grin.

"See you at school tomorrow, Shelly," she said before leaving the mansion and heading towards her car.

As (Y/N) went to open her car door, someone grabbed her shoulder and pushed her against the car, crashing their lips against hers.

"Don't say a fucking word to anyone about this," Roman demanded as his lips began nipping at her neck, sending her into deep state of pleasure.

"I-I won't," she breathlessly said, throwing her books in the car then wrapping her arms around Roman's neck.

Everything in her body was screaming at her to stop but she couldn't help but give in, letting his lips and hands explore her body at their own free will.

"Get in," he demanded, causing her breath to halt in her throat at his powerful tone.

She opened the door to the backseat then climbed in. Roman closed the door behind them after he had entered. Roman then pulled her shirt over her head and ripped her jeans off, leaving her in only her bra and panties. Roman traced his tongue along his lips as he took in the sight before him. Her legs were wrapped around his waist and her arms were held above her head. Roman then connected his lips with one breast while his long fingers played with the nipple of her other. (Y/N) rolled her head back at the pleasure, letting out little moans here and there as she felt her panties quickly soak.

Roman then trailed kisses down her stomach and stopped right where she wanted him most. He  carefully hooked his fingers on her panties and slowly pulled them down to her ankles. After a couple moments of teasing, his lips connected with her core, sending a warm shudder across her body.

"Oh my, god, Roman," she breathed as he began to make figure-eights with his tongue and suck on her bundle of nerves.

She felt her high coming so she tangled her hand in his soft brown hair, holding his head in place. Knowing what was coming, Roman decided to slip two fingers inside of her, eliciting a sharp gasp from the woman.  His pumps quickened as his tongue began to move faster. (Y/N) let out whimpers and moans as the pleasure began to consume her.

"Fuck me, Roman," she cried as her orgasm hit, causing her legs to quiver as she arched her body into him.

Roman waited until her high passed before coming up to face the euphoric mess beneath him, a proud grin painted on his face.

"I fucking hate what you make me think and make me want to do to you," he said, his voice husky and laced with passion before climbing out of her car.

"I don't," she replied to the emptiness of her car.

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