day by day (3) | roman

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Day by Day part 3/3
Note: If you don't like the name I chose for the baby, just imagine something different!


Hours had passed and (Y/N) was still in labor. Roman was anxiously pacing the waiting room, thousands of scenarios and images coursing through his mind. Pryce kept to his word and every fifteen minutes, a nurse came out with a progress report. So far, everything was going according to plan but that hadn't stopped Roman from worrying.

"How is she?" Roman asked the second the doors opened.

"Nothing to worry about at the moment but she is slowly getting weaker. However that does tend to come with the stress. Otherwise, (Y/N) and the baby are doing just fine," the nurse informed in a soft, kind tone.

Roman released a sigh, combing a hand through his dark hair as he collapsed into one of the chairs. He looked past the nurse at door to the delivery room, images of her tired and pained body popping into his head which caused his worry and anxiety to only increase.

"I wish I could be in there with her, holding her hand or at least be in the same room telling her everything will be okay," he said as he dropped his head into his hands.

The nurse looked down at her clasped hands then into Roman's worried eyes, her features making it evident that she wanted to help Roman but could only do so much.

"It won't be much longer now until you will be able to see (Y/N) and your baby, Mr. Godfrey," she said before disappearing through the doors, leaving Roman, alone, with his thoughts.

It had now been well over a half day when the nurse came out once more with an ear-to-ear grin. Roman rose from the white chair, bags under his eyes from the stress and fatigue.

"Mr. Godfrey, would you like to come meet your baby?" She asked, holding the door open for him.

The eagerness and overwhelming joy completely consumed Roman as he dashed towards the doors. As he approached the door to the delivery room, he was met with Pryce who stood in front of it with a tired smile plastered on his face.

"How are they?" Roman asked.

"Tired, but both are healthy and well. She's a fighter," Pryce said, stepping aside for Roman to enter. As he passed, he gave Pryce's shoulder a squeeze in thanks as tears of joy appeared in his eyes.

The man took a deep, shaky breath before pushing through the doors.

(Y/N) heard the door open so she switched her tired gaze from the little bundle of joy in her arms to the person who was entering. The second her eyes landed on Roman, tears began streaming down her warm, pale cheeks.

"Would you like to meet your son?" She said, looking back down at the peaceful little human tucked in her arms.

Roman hesitated a moment as relief washed over him from the sight of his beloved and the baby, both alive and breathing before him.

"Son? We have a son?" He asked, cautiously making his way towards (Y/N). The young woman nodded with an wide grin as he bent down and took her face in his hands then planted a firm, passionate kiss on her lips.

Roman pulled away, keeping his forehead pressed against hers. "I'm so proud of you, (Y/N)," he said before switching his gaze to their son.

(Y/N) scooted over so Roman could sit next to her.

"He's beautiful," Roman whispered, careful not to wake him as (Y/N) gently handed the baby to him. Roman took him in his arms, gently swaying him back and forth.

"I will always protect you, your sister and your mother and I promise to love you forever, my son," Roman whispered to the sleeping boy in his arms, causing (Y/N)'s heart to flutter at his words.


A couple days had since gone by and after Pryce had finished his check-ups and made sure (Y/N) and the baby were safe to leave, the couple packed their bags and headed home to introduce their son to Nadia and Peter.

"Are you sure the car-seat is strapped in properly?" (Y/N) asked for the fifth time as Roman turned the keys, igniting the engine.

"I quadruple checked it. It's as safe as it can be," he replied with a chuckle as he took her hand in his, lacing their fingers and pressing the back of her hand to his lips.

The anxious new mother nodded, constantly turning back to make sure Benjamin was still strapped in. (Y/N) took a deep breath as they began their journey home.

Once they arrived home, (Y/N) quietly entered with Ben tucked in her arms fast asleep.

"Hello! Is anyone home?" She called. Roman was close behind her with the few bags they had brought in tow.

"Daddy! (Y/N)!" Nadia cheered as she came running from the living room with Peter close behind her.

"There they are! Let's see the baby," Peter said with a wide grin.

Nadia ran straight into Roman's arms allowing him to pick her up and spin her around.

"I wanna see baby!" Nadia chirped, reaching for her little brother.

"Nadia, Peter, this is Benjamin," (Y/N) introduced with a proud grin, lifting Ben so the two could see.

"Shee-it you two made one cute kid," Peter noted eliciting laughs from both (Y/N) and Roman.

"My Ben," Nadia said, reaching over and planting a gentle kiss on her little brothers nose. Roman chuckled as he gave Nadia a chaste kiss on the side of her head.

Later on that night, (Y/N) passed out on the couch while she was feeding Ben. When she woke up, she was tucked under a blanket with Ben and Roman nowhere to be seen.  The exhausted young woman sat up and stretched out her arms with a yawn before getting up and heading to Ben's nursery where she assumed Roman had put him. (Y/N) slowly opened the door to find her beloved seated on the floor against the wall with Ben tucked in his arms. When the door squeaked, Roman's tired eyes fluttered open.

"Hi," she whispered with a smile, crossing her arms as she leaned against the wall.

"Hi," Roman croaked with a yawn.

"Is he asleep?" She asked, cautiously making her way over to the two. Roman nodded, looking down at his son who was nestled in his long arms. (Y/N) reached down, collecting Ben from Roman's arms then gently placed him in his crib.

"Now let's get you to bed," she said, lacing her fingers with Roman's and guiding him to their shared bedroom.

She didn't bother to change out of her clothes so she just climbed into bed with Roman next to her. Roman wrapped his arm around her torso, pulling her back flush against his chest.

"I love you, (Y/N), and I told you everything would turn out okay," Roman whispered, planting a gentle kiss below her ear.

"I love you too, Roman," she said before the couple drifted off into a deep and much needed slumber.

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