savior | roman

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(Y/N) had taken the day off from work to spend with her boyfriend's daughter, Nadia. The two had been at the park all afternoon, enjoying the crisp, fall day in Hemlock Grove.

A few hours had passed by when (Y/N) noticed the sky was turning a dark shade of grey which meant the weather was about to change for the worst. On top of that, she noticed the young girl in her arms was drifting in and out of sleep. She took these as signs that it was time to head back to the Godfrey residence.

"Ready to go home, Nadia?" She asked quietly. Nadia just nuzzled her head into the crook of (Y/N)'s neck in response, earning a small smile from the woman.

(Y/N) strapped Nadia into her car-seat before climbing into the drivers seat where she roared the engine to life. While doing her mirror checks before reversing, she caught a glimpse of the figure of a man staring directly at her through the rear-view mirror. Striking her as strange, she turned to see if she recognized the man. Only, when she turned, he was gone. Maybe it was just her mind playing tricks on her, she thought.

"Let's go home," she muttered to herself before pulling out of the parking lot and driving off down the road.

The whole ride home, she noticed a silver pick-up truck tailing her car. The curious woman sped up, trying to shake the person. Near the end of her journey, it worked and whoever they were disappeared. When she noticed the car not there, she let out an shaky breath she didn't realize she was holding in, loosening her grip on the wheel.

When the two got home, Nadia was fast asleep, light snores escaping her mouth. (Y/N) took the child in her arms then entered the house and climbed the oak stairs to lay Nadia down to rest.

"Sleep tight, my angel," she muttered, placing a chaste kiss on the infant's forehead before exiting the room.

Roman wasn't going to be home for another couple hours so (Y/N) decided to spend the rest of the afternoon cleaning up around the house. Nadia's toys scattered the floors and Roman's work occupied all the table and counter space.

As she was cleaning, she couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching her. However, she knew it was only her and Nadia in the house so tried to push the feeling aside.

As time passed, the feeling of unease just wouldn't shake so to comfort herself, she decided to call Roman. (Y/N) walked over to the counter and began dialing the one number that was drilled into her head.

One ring went by . . . and another. (Y/N) shifted her weight from one foot to the other, crossing her unoccupied arm over her chest as if subconsciously trying to shield herself from the invisible presence.

"Hello?" A familiar, deep voice sounded at the other end of the line.

"Rom-" she was then cut off by a hand clamping around her mouth, forcing her to drop the phone as they dragged her backwards.

"(Y/N)? Is that you? (Y/N) answer me!" Roman called, concern and worry laced in his words.

The terror-stricken woman began clawing and thrashing in her captor's tight grip as she was unable to call out to Roman.

Roman heard a struggle on the other end of the line which sent him into an alarmed state. The man dashed out of his office and to the stairwell that lead down to the parking lot. A restless feeling formed in the pit of his stomach; his main concern was getting back to his family.

"Where's the child?" A deep, hoarse voice growled in her ear. Her eyes glossed over with tears as her maternal instinct kicked in. Nadia may not be her biological daughter, but she's been around since the start so to her, Nadia was her family. (Y/N) stayed silent, her lips in a tight line.

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