day by day (2) | roman

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Day by Day part 2/3


-8 months later-

(Y/N) woke early in the morning to find the spot next to her where Roman usually slept, empty. As she was slowly attempting to climb out of bed, the bathroom door swung open and Roman came sauntering out with only a towel wrapped around his lower torso, leaving his glimmering chest and v-line exposed. The second he saw his beloved struggling to climb out of bed, he darted over to assist her.

"Here, you all right?" He asked, taking her hands and helping her to her feet.

(Y/N) released a sigh with a nod as she placed a hand on her large stomach. "Being eight and a half months pregnant really makes things difficult," she said, earning a chuckle from Roman.

"Let me get dressed then I'll make you some breakfast," Roman said before placing a kiss on her forehead and disappearing into the master closet.

(Y/N) took a deep breath before waddling to Nadia's room.

"Good morning, little lady. Hungry?" She asked, walking up to the toddler who was playing with her dolls.  Nadia cheered in response by throwing her arms up in the air and rising to her feet.

(Y/N) took Nadia's tiny hand in hers before guiding her down the stairs where she placed the young girl on the couch and turned on some cartoons to keep her occupied while (Y/N) fetched her some cereal. As she was pouring the cereal in a bowl, Roman came downstairs wearing a black T-Shirt and dark washed jeans, his chestnut hair slicked back.

"Daddy!" Nadia squealed as he gave her a chaste kiss on the head.

"Morning, princess," he greeted before making his way over to (Y/N).

"And good morning to you, my love," he said, giving her a gentle kiss on her lips.

The past months went by so quickly, they almost felt like a dream. However, as (Y/N) approached her due date, the terror began to set in as to what could go wrong, slowly turning that dream into a nightmare.

"Are you alright?" Roman asked as he noticed the mild terror in her eyes, reaching across the table and taking (Y/N)'s hand in his.

Not realizing she was staring off into space, (Y/N) quickly came back to reality and continued eating her omelet which was prepared by Roman.  "Uh, yeah, just thinking," she half lied, twirling the fork around on her plate.

"What are you thinking about?" Roman asked, a hint of worry in his words.

(Y/N) drew in a deep breath before setting her fork down and leaning back in her chair while gently rubbing small circles on her stomach.

"My due date is right around the corner," she started.

Roman instantly spoke up, "everything's going to be okay. You and the baby are going to be okay. I've made sure Pryce will take the best care of the two of you. He knows what he's doing," he said, wiping his mouth with his napkin.

"Are you sure, Roman? Because ... Letha." She muttered Letha's name, looking down at her stomach and imagining the little human who would soon be tucked in her arms . . . hopefully.

Roman released a sigh before getting up and circling around the table to where his beloved was seated. He then pulled up a chair so he was sitting right next to her and took both of her hands in his.

"I am not letting what happened to Letha happen to you. I will be there with you every step of the way and I promise you, you'll be okay. I love you so fucking much, (Y/N). You and the baby will be healthy and safe," he said before pressing his lips to hers then leaning down and placing a firm but gentle kiss on her belly.

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