under his spell | roman

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Dedicated to musicluv21
(Y/B/N) = Your/Bands/Name


"Almost ready, (Y/N)? We go on in five," the drummer of (Y/B/N) said as (Y/N) finished the last of her drink. She nodded in acknowledgment before swinging her guitar over her shoulders and preparing herself for her show.

"Ladies and gentlemen, without further a due, (Y/B/N)!" The hostess called, followed by cheers from the crowd.

The indie band immediately went on stage, the energy of the crowd contagious towards the group. There was nearly one hundred people crammed into the small pub just to see the band perform bringing joyous grins to the band members faces. 

Throughout their set, (Y/N)'s gaze seemed to constantly wander to the bar where someone familiar was stationed. She recognized the tall, dark haired boy from her school she just couldn't seem to put a name to the face. Every time her eyes locked with his, the corners of his lips twitched into a flirtatious grin; a grin that made her cheeks turn a shade of pink.

After the set, (Y/N) could not shake
the man from her mind. "Who is that guy?" She asked one of her band mates, nodding towards the man at the bar who was currently talking it up with another seemingly horny high school chick.

He scoffed. "That's Roman Godfrey, a guy you do not want to get involved with."

Roman Godfrey. She had heard things about him and they weren't very good things; how he belonged to the richest family in Hemlock Grove, not to mention he was also very selfish and narcissistic and always seemed to get what he wanted, even if it meant putting others down to get it.

Once the band was all packed up, (Y/N) glanced back to where Roman was situated. Her eyes landed on him and it was almost as if they had had a telepathic connection because the second her eyes landed upon him, his gaze lifted to meet hers. He then winked with that knee weakening smirk causing her heart to flutter before he turned back to the bartender to order another drink.


The following day at school she tried her best to look for him but did not have much luck. All of (Y/N)'s friends warned her about him and how she shouldn't engage with a man like him but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get his image out of her head. She found herself desperate and she needed to see him.

"Hey, (Y/F/N), can you tell our English teacher that I went home sick?" She asked her friend, leaning against the wall of lockers as (Y/F/N) finished up with hers.

(Y/F/N) shot (Y/N) a disapproving glare. "You're going to go look for him, aren't you?" She said. (Y/N) didn't respond, she just tucked her lower lip between her teeth with a guilty smirk.
(Y/F/N) rolled her eyes with a frustrated sigh. "Roman Godfrey is not good news, (Y/N)," she warned, slamming her locker shut, causing (Y/N) to jump a little.

"I know," (Y/N) said under her breath, hugging her textbooks to her chest. 

(Y/F/N) cocked a brow. "Do you? Just because he looked at you last night during your show, doesn't mean he'll treat you any differently than every other girl he's fucked then thrown to the curb like trash," she said all in one breath, her words laced with vexation.

(Y/F/N) is only bitter about him because she hooked up with him once then the next day it was almost like she didn't exist to him. Which does prove her point. (Y/N) rolled her eyes at her friends negative reaction then stalked off down the hall, in hopes of catching a glimpse of the mysterious boy.

With no luck on finding him in the school, the disheartened young woman gave up and left the building, ready to head home. As she turned the corner to begin down the street, she was greeted by someone leaning against the wall and taking a drag of their cigarette. It was the Roman Godfrey.

Her heart seemingly exploded at the sight of him.

"You," he said, blowing out the smoke then throwing the cigarette to the ground and putting it out with his foot.

"You," she breathlessly repeated, completely rigid in her spot.

There was something about the way he was looking at her. It was a mix of desire and dominance, a blend  that made him seem all too intimidating.

"You're the girl from last night. The girl with the voice of an angel," he said, causing (Y/N)'s breath to hitch in her throat and a blush to creep up her neck.

"Oh... um," she said with a stutter, racking her brain for something to say but finding nothing.

Roman chuckled at her reaction. "Relax, I'm not trying to fuck or anything," he said before pulling out a pack of cigarettes from the breast pocket of his jacket, placing one between his lips. He lifted the pack towards her.

"Do you want?" He asked. (Y/N) hesitated before grabbing one and tucking it between her lips. "Here." He lit hers then proceeded to light his own.

"I'm Roman," he said as he took a deep drag.

"(Y/N)," she said, doing the same.

"You do have a beautiful voice, though, (Y/N)," he said in a more serious tone. Her blush was now evident so she looked down at the pavement, in hopes he wouldn't notice.

"Thank you," she said, hugging her books closer to her chest.

"Do you give private concerts?" He asked, taking another deep drag before releasing a cloud of smoke into the air.

She gulped. "Oh, um, we . . . we could," she replied. 

His expression hardened. "Not we, just you," he commanded, causing her heart to skip a beat.

He wanted just her. Roman combed a hand through his hair then threw his cigarette to the ground before striding up to her.

"I... I don't know," she said in a mumble as Roman towered over her. Roman placed his hand under her chin and traced his thumb along her
lower lip. Her heart began to pound against her chest as his touch sent sparks igniting throughout her body.

"I can pay you a lot of money," he said quietly in a possessive tone as he kept his stern gaze on the stiff woman before him.

She gulped again, gazing up into his pale green eyes. "I'll see what I can do," she replied, feeling too powerless next to him.

"Good, because I want you, (Y/N) . . . and I always get what I want." Was the last thing he said before retreating his hand and turning on his heel, heading down the quiet street.

Everything within her was screaming at her to run after him and leap into his arms. (Y/N) wanted to be his and she wanted him to take her. She then realized that she was stuck under the spell of Roman Godfrey.

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