private tour | roman

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Warning: Mature Content


The alarm on her bedside table sounded, awaking (Y/N) from her light slumber. Throughout the entirety of the night, she was tossing and turning, anxiously awaiting for the morning where she was to start her new internship; an internship at Godfrey Industries.

(Y/N) was a senior at Hemlock Grove high and would some day like to be the CEO of her own company and what better way to get into that than working at the most successful company in Hemlock Grove. Not to mention her boyfriend, Roman Godfrey, helped her land the internship.

(Y/N) jumped out of bed and went straight into her bathroom to get ready for her first day. As she was fixing up her knotted hair, her phone buzzed on the counter.

Roman: I'll pick you up in forty five.

i'll be ready:) :(Y/N)

(Y/N) took a deep breath, scanning herself over in the mirror once more before rushing downstairs to prepare herself some breakfast that would fuel her for the day.

"Good morning, sweetheart. Excited for your first day?" Her mother asked, placing a hot plate of scrambled eggs on the table for (Y/N).

"Both nervous and excited," (Y/N) replied, taking a seat at the table and shoveling the steaming eggs into her mouth.

"Don't worry, kiddo, you'll do great," her mother said before giving her daughter a chaste kiss on the side of her head.

Minutes went by before a knock sounded at the front door.  (Y/N) jumped to her feet, rushing to open the door.

"Ready?" Roman said, tucking his hands in his pockets as he stood with a grin in the doorway.

(Y/N) drew in a breath while wrapping her blazer over her shoulders.  "Yeah, I think I am," she said, taking her purse from the hook and hanging it over her shoulder.

"Good luck today, (Y/N)!" Her mother called from the door as Roman ushered her into his car.

"Thanks, mom!" (Y/N) called back before Roman closed the passenger door.

"Nervous?" Roman asked as he roared the engine of his car to life.

(Y/N) popped a piece of gum into her mouth. "No," she lied, anxiously chewing the gum while bobbing her knee.

"Don't be because I have a surprise for you," Roman said, a playful smirk now plastered on his face before taking his girlfriend's hand in his, lacing their fingers.

"What'd you do, Roman?" (Y/N) asked, worried that he had used his authority at the tower in her favour.

Roman had always been there for her, even long before the two had started dating. He had been like a safety net for the young woman. However, this internship was something (Y/N) really wanted to do for herself. Yes, Roman helped her land the job but that was the only thing she accepted from the list of offers he had given her.

"I, will be your tour guide of the tower. So, we get to spend your first day together," he informed her with a grin.

His expression immediately switched from one of joy to one of confusion as he noticed her lack of excitement.

"What? You don't want to spend the day with me?" Roman asked, releasing her soft hand then gripping the steering a little tighter as he bit back his anger. The man was known to have a bit of a temper.

"That's not it, Roman. It's just . . ." she was trying to find a way to say it without coming across as a total bitch. "I really appreciate everything you've done for me and for getting me this internship, but every now and then I'd like to do something for myself," she said, turning her body to look up at him as his stern expression softened.

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