should've been stronger | roman

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"(Y/N), where are you?" Her boyfriend, Roman, frantically asked through the phone.

"I'm walking home, why?" She asked, her brows knitted together in a concerned frown.

A gust of icy wind sent a shudder up her spine as the fall leaves danced around, emitting an eerie vibe.

"You need to get somewhere safe right now," Roman demanded, his voice laced with worry.  The now apprehensive young woman began to quicken her pace at her boyfriends warning.

"Roman, what's going on?" She asked; her heart beginning to ram in her chest.

"The Vargulf . .  . it's coming for you," he said.

(Y/N)'s breath caught in her throat at the thought of a crazed werewolf on the hunt for her. She knew what was going on in Hemlock Grove with all the girls being mauled to death by a beast, but she never once registered the thought of it coming after her. She also knew that Peter was a werewolf and Roman was an Upir so she always thought of them as her safety shield and that she was more so invisible to any predators in the area.

She was wrong.

At that very moment, however, no one was around to protect her, leaving her vulnerable to any hungry beast that may come.

"Roman, I'm out in the middle of the woods. You know this is the way I get home," she said in a whisper, as if not to attract any unwanted attention. She heard Roman cuss under his breath.

"I-is there a house or a road around?" He asked.

She nodded. "There's a road," she said as she changed her direction towards the one road that cut through the dark woods.

"Go there. I'll come find you," he said.

(Y/N)'s eyes began to gloss over. "Okay, Roman, just . . . hurry," she said, her voice shaky, dodging low hanging tree branches and jumping over fallen tree's.

"I will. Be careful, (Y/N), I love you." Is the last thing he said before the line went dead.

The terrified woman tucked her phone in her pocket before starting in a jog towards the road. She then heard the snap of a branch behind her causing her to avert her attention in that direction. (Y/N) scanned the woods behind her, no sigh of the Vargulf. 

Roman's words were still lingering in her head - Be careful, (Y/N), I love you. The words were set on repeat like a broken record as her jog quickened into a sprint.  She saw the road ahead of her knowing that it wouldn't do much in the way of protection but at least Roman was coming.

All of a sudden, she heard a growl from behind her, causing her to freeze in her tracks. Her eyes went wide with fear as her chest drastically began to rise and fall with each breath. Her mind was screaming for her to carry on down the street but her legs didn't seem to want to listen.

(Y/N) slowly turned around, sobs arising in her throat knowing that there was no way of escape. She then watched as a stark white wolf emerged from behind one of the large stumps, it's fangs dripping with saliva at the sight of the frightened young woman and it's eyes filled with an indescribable hunger that showed no mercy.  After a moment's hesitation, the Vargulf pounced onto her, sending (Y/N) flying back and plummeting against the uneven, rocky ground. A sharp pain erupted through her back making it difficult for her to move. She then let out a shriek as the Vargulf buried it's teeth in her thigh, sending sharp pains to course throughout her leg. Moments later, the Vargulf's claw swept across her chest, causing another wail to escape her mouth. She began to feel her warm tears stain her pale cheeks, each staggered breath eliciting a wave of pain through her limp body.

(Y/N) was about to give up, to allow death to devour her when a second figure came out of nowhere, dragging the Vargulf off of her. Because her vision was blurred by her tears, all she could manage to see was a dark animal-looking thing and then a tall, lean figure. The pain and darkness began to consume her, pulling her in and out of consciousness.

When she opened her eyes again, the lean figure was hovered above her. She recognized the sharp features and the chestnut brown hair, sending a wave of relief through her body.

"You're going to be okay, (Y/N), just stay with me," Roman said seconds before everything went black.


(Y/N) slowly woke to machines beeping around her and a dull pain coursing throughout her body. As her vision became less and less blurry, she noticed she was in Shelly's room, in a hospital bed, attached to the machines.

"What the fuck," she croaked as she slowly sat up then winced from the sharp pain.

"(Y/N), be careful," a familiar voice said before Roman came into view, wrapping his arms around his beloved's shoulders in attempt to steady her.

Her brows knitted together in a confused frown. "R-Roman? What happened?" she asked, her voice hoarse due to the dryness of her throat. Roman gently lowered (Y/N) back down, his features taken over by worry and pure focus. Once she seemed comfortable and settled, Roman took a step back, scanning her weak and frail body.

His eyes then welled with tears as he began nervously chewing the inside of hi cheek. "I-I'm so sorry, (Y/N). I should've been stronger for you. I should've protected you," he said in the verge of tears, his voice shaky as a look of guilt and regret took over his sharp features. Her brows curved into a puzzled frown as she tried to recollect the events that lead up to that point.

Walking home, Roman, Vargulf, Roman.

"The Vargulf," she breathed, not loud enough for Roman to hear. "Roman, you saved me," she said, louder so he could hear. Roman then lowered next to her, taking her hand in his large ones and placing a gentle peck on the back of it.

"Peter saved you, I just brought you back here," he said as he gently tucked her unkempt hair behind her ear, not taking his eyes off of her pale face.  "I almost lost you, (Y/N), and I wouldn't have known what to do with myself if I had." A single tear fell from his pale green, sorrowful eyes.

Her lips twitched into a small smile.
"Roman, I'm right here," she said as she placed her forehead against his, taking in his cinnamon and pine scent.

"I love you so fucking much, and I promise I will never let anything happen to you ever again," he said as his thumb traced gentle circles on her soft cheek.

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