angry sex | roman

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Dedicated to andysbadgirl17
warning: mature content


"Are you fucking kidding me?" He snarled in her face, fury burning in his emerald orbs. She wasn't scared of him and she wasn't about to back down from this argument either.

"Roman, you can't keep Nadia cooped up in that little room all day! She needed to get out there and get some fresh air for at least once in her childhood!" She hissed back, inches from his face.

He waved her off, throwing his fist into the wall where it created a gaping hole. She flinched at the impact, mainly concerned about him. However, he shrugged it off, completely ignoring the instant bruising that was forming on his knuckles.

"It's dangerous out there for her (Y/N)! Something could've happened and I wouldn't have been there to protect her!" He growled behind gritted teeth, his hard gaze held firmly on hers.

She shook her head. "I wouldn't have let anything happen to her and you know that. Besides, she's home safe now, back in her cell of a room!" Sarcasm and irritation laced in her words as she turned her back to him to head towards the kitchen.

"Well, what if something had happened to the both of you, huh? What would I do then?" His voice was calmed but still raised. That comment tore at her heart strings a bit. His anger was coming from a dad and partner; love and worry. However, he still needed to grow up and realize Nadia needs a life that isn't confined within four walls.

"It didn't, Roman! Nothing bad happened, see?" She turned herself back to him, extending her arms to show him that she was more than okay. "I'm standing before you without a scratch on me."

All the fighting and anger was, in a way, turning her on and she didn't realize it until her eyes were boring into his. She quickly glanced down at his lips then back up into his eyes, tucking her lower lip between her teeth. Roman caught on quickly, immediately feeling an intense, sensual hunger himself.

Suddenly, their lips were pressed together, feverishly moving in sync. She wanted him so bad that as seconds past, the wetter her panties got. As he towered over her, he hooked his hands under her knees, pulling her up and around his waist. She cocked a brow and smirked into the kiss as he did so. As their lips continued to move as one, he walked her over to the dining room table where he placed her down, her legs still wrapped around his waist.

"I need you, baby," she breathed as she began undoing his belt. Now, he was smirking because he also needed her.

Roman then grabbed handfuls of her shirt before ripping it down the middle, exposing her bra. Biting his lip, he gently pushed her down so she was laying on the table. As she pulled her jeans off, he lifted his shirt over his head, throwing it to the other side of the room. As he went to remove his pants, she stopped him.

"I need you now," she said. He grinned before unzipping his pants and pushing his boxers down, exposing his hardened shaft.

She gulped, even though she'd seen it many times before, she'd never gotten used to it's size. Laying down again, she let Roman take control. Promptly, he moved her panties aside, however, to her unfortunate surprise, he didn't put it in. Instead, he ran his lean fingers up and and down her walls.

"You're so wet, baby," he mentioned with a chuckle, moving his fingers in small circles over her clit to tease her.

(Y/N) grumbled. "Roman," she whined.

"As you wish," he said before pushing himself into her. She arched her back at the sudden movement, it was exactly what she wanted.

His paced instantly quickened, filling her deep, then pulling it back. Every time, hitting her g-spot. He knew what he was doing and he knew how to do it right.

"Fuck," she breathed as he lifted her legs over his shoulders for better access, his lean fingers twirled around her thighs to keep her from moving back.

"You like that, huh?" He inquired as he went even faster, the sound of flesh on flesh contact echoing from the high ceilings. She nodded, unable to formulate any type of sentence.

Her cheeks flushed as she felt her orgasm come closer, so he knew exactly what to do. Using his thumb, he began rubbing her clit again, this time faster so it was more pleasurable. (Y/N)'s eyes rolled back at the action.

Watching her in an intense state of euphoria made his manhood twitch inside of her, his orgasm was quickly approaching.

"Fuck, baby, just like that," he growled as she began bucking her hips due to how hard he was pounding into her. The action made his pleasure intensify.

"R-Roman, I'm..." she trailed off as her legs began to shake and her back arched. With each of his final thrusts, he growled, his perfectly styled hair failing out of place.

"Oh my fucking, god!" She cried, shooting herself up where she clung onto Roman, digging her nails into his back.

The man held himself inside of her as he descended from his climax. Both were heavily panting as sweat dripped down their heated torso's.

"That was..." he started.

"Incredible," she finished for him.

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