miracle | bill

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Note: 300k reads. What in the actual fuck. You guys are AMAZING! The gratitude I feel for you all goes absolutely beyond. Thank you so much for all of your support and love, it has truly inspired and motivated me with my writing. So much so that I'd actually like to apologize for neglecting this collection a little bit. Ideas for my own works have been flooding through me so much recently that I've been more focused on those stories that will hopefully be finished and published here soon. However, that doesn't mean that I'm going to stop updating, it just means that updates will come a little less regularly (as you've probably already noticed). 

Anyway... here's an update in the meantime. And thank you all again from the bottom of my heart for all of the support and love!


She sat on the side of the tub, anxiously chewing on the nails of her right hand while her left hand was held before her, holding the test although shaking so badly, she could barely see the label on the stick.

Four years, that's how long they've wanted their own little family for. Four years of trying with all their might and never succeeding. This was going to be it. This test will decided all because they're just too tired to keep on going, drained mentally and emotionally. For a little while, at least. 

Her stomach twisted and turned into a massive jumble of knots, every emotion swirling through her mind. As she waited, looking down at it violently shaking, tears of those mixed emotions began streaming from her eyes.  Her mind then couldn't keep up with her body as she dropped the test onto the counter, hearing it clatter onto the floor as she stumbled out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. (Y/N) crawled into her and Bill's shared bed, covering her face with the quilt as she cried into the pillow. She doesn't even know the results of the test and she's already thrown herself into turmoil.

"Darling? (Y/N)?" She heard is soft, melodic voice in her ear as a gentle force shook her awake.

(Y/N) slowly sat up from her restless nap in which she tossed and turned for what felt like hours. 

"You all right?" Bill asked, sitting on the edge of the bed with his hand rested on the other side of her legs.

(Y/N) nodded although Bill saw right through it.

"Have you taken the test?" He asks softly, running his hand up and down her leg, easing her nerves.

(Y/N) nods as her eyes well again. Bill takes this as a sign that the test came back negative and drops his face into the other hand. (Y/N) sees this and jumps toward Bill, taking both of his hands in hers.

"No, no, Bill. It's not negative. Well I haven't looked at it yet so I don't know," she says and he looks back up at her with a glint of hope returned to his eyes.

"When did you take it?" He asks her, wiping her tear away with his thumb.

(Y/N) looks down at her hands where she starts anxiously fiddling with her thumbs.  She looks over at the clock and says, "an hour ago." 

"What is it, (Y/N)?" Bill asks her knowing how anxious she's become as he cups his warm hands around her clasped ones. The waterworks are in full effect now which sends a whirlwind of worry through Bill.

"What's wrong, (Y/N)?" He asks again, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. 

(Y/N) sucks in a deep, shaky breath as she tries to collect her thoughts enough to form a sentence. She shrugs a little then takes a smooth deep breath.

"I can't do it Bill. I can't bring myself to look at it because I -- I can't -- I can't." The sobs came pouring out of her so much so that they were making her choke on her words. Bill then reached across and pulled her into him, resting his chin on the crown of her head while she cried into his chest.

"Shh, (Y/N). It's okay. It's all okay," he whispers as his eyes begin to gloss as well. They stay for a few moments in each others arms before (Y/N) pulls away, tears now ceased.

"Look at me, my love," Bill says as she looks up into his enchanting green eyes. "Listen, this last four years have been some of the most difficult of our lives but we're still here, right? So, no matter what the result of that test comes out to be, know that although I never think it to be possible, my love for you will only grow stronger."

Courage then surges through (Y/N) before she takes his face in her hands and presses her lips to his.  "I love you," she whispers. He kisses her again.

"Do you want me to go grab it?" He asks. (Y/N) nods as she still feels a little numb. "Okay, wait here."

(Y/N) pulls her knees into her chest as she rests her chin on them, rocking back and forth. Seconds later Bill comes out but she doesn't look at him, afraid to see his reaction.

"(Y/N)," he says in a barely audible whisper. She can't tell if it's good or bad by the tone of his voice.

"(Y/N) you're -- you're pregnant!" He cheers and her eyes instantly meet his as her heart drops into her stomach and her entire body goes numb.

"What?" She breathes in disbelief. 

Bill jumps over to her, wrapping his long arms around her body and kissing her head.

"We're going to be a family!" He continues to cheer as tears of pure joy stream from his loving eyes, as they do hers.

"Oh my, god," she whispers. "Oh my, god!" She cries as her lips curve into the widest smile she's ever displayed. 

"Show me," she then says as a small part of her is refusing to believe this.

They sit themselves on the edge of the bed as Bill wraps one of his arms around her shoulders and lifts the pregnancy test before her eyes. Hands still shaking, (Y/N) takes it and lifts it so she can see. Sure enough, there's a little '+', meaning she is positively carrying his child.

Every good and positive emotion to ever exist is now radiating through them as they laugh and cry with joy in each others arms.

"I love you so much, (Y/N). So much," Bill says as he takes her face firmly in his hands and begins feverishly kissing her.

"I love you, Bill, always," she says between kisses.

Bill then looks down at her stomach, placing his hand on it. "We did it. We're going to have a little one."

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