haunted by her past (3) | bill

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Haunted by Her Past part 3/4


As (Y/N) slowly regained consciousness, she tried to reach up and massage the massive pain in the back of her head. She soon realized how that was impossible because she looked down and she was bound to one of the dining room chairs. She also noticed that so were her ankles and torso, leaving her with no possible way to escape. She tried to scream, however, there was a thick piece of fabric tied around her face, keeping her from doing so.

"Ah, you're awake darling," a deep, infernal voice spoke from across the table.

Her eyes shot up, squinting as they tried to get a clear look at the mans face. The only light source being the dim glow from the few candles. When she finally got a clear view, her eyes went wide.

It couldn't be. It was her high school boyfriends younger brother, Jared. The one who was always trying to convince her that he was better for her than Logan, never did she realize how serious his feelings were. She had thought it to be a crush that he would soon get over, as most people did.

"Remember me?" He asked with a wide, devilish grin.

One single tear escaped from her eye, however she didn't want to seem weak so she tried her hardest to keep up a stern front.

Jared slowly rose from his seat and made his way towards her. She tried to keep distance between them but being bound to a chair made that impossible. Once he was just inches away but still towering over her, he came to a stop.

"Now,  I'm going to remove your gag because I want to be able to talk to you. But, if you scream or cry out, there will be consequences, understood?" He said, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. His calloused touch sent a shiver throughout her body, and not the good kind.

The second he removed the gag, she spoke - or yelled rather, "LET-" he cut her off by sending the back of his hand against her face. Her head shot to one side, now having pain in both her cheek and the back of her head. She knew that it wasn't worth it to aggravate him any further.

Jared backed away, clearly very frustrated with himself. "I told you there would be consequences!" He yelled, his back towards her.

The terrified young woman flinched at his tone, heaving as sobs arose in her throat. When he finally turned around, he was like a whole other person. He had a look of sympathy on his face, as if regretting what he had done to her.

"I'm sorry," he muttered. "I don't want to hurt you. I love you," he confessed as he pulled her chair to face him and knelt between her legs. "And you love me too. You do. It was always supposed to be you and me," he tried to convince her.

She shook her head. Everything was happening so fast that she didn't realize what she was doing until she had already done it.

"What do you mean, no?" He spat, his features reverting back to intense anger.

She finally developed the courage to speak up. Maybe she could calm him down to the point of untying her.

"Jared, why are you doing this?" she asked, holding eye contact with the blonde man.

He chuckled. "You always picked him. It was always Logan, never me. Even though I would do absolutely anything for you. You always picked him. I'm the one that has always been in love you. I deserve you, no one else," he remarked.

"Jared, please. If you loved me, I wouldn't be tied up to a chair right now," she said, hopefully putting some sense into the delusional man.

"I told you someday you'd understand and until you do, you're staying right where you are," he snarled.

Bill Skarsgård ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now