power and lust | bill

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dedicated to nephilim_downworlder
Warning: Mature Content


She was the most powerful woman in the country which was quite remarkable for someone of her age. She was the founder and CEO of a multi-billion dollar company in which she founded all on her own without the help of anyone. It had always been just her; no family, no husband or partner, no friends - just her and her creations.

(Y/N) sat in her spacious office on the top floor of her company building in Seattle. It was dark and gloomy outside which added to her lonely state. The young woman wouldn't usually allow interviews and such because of how much of a private person she was, but that day seemed different.

(Y/N)'s train of thought was suddenly interrupted by the speaker sounding on her desk.

"Ms. (Y/L/N), your three o'clock interview is here," her assistant, David, spoke. (Y/N) took a deep breath. "Let them in," she replied.

The woman despised small talk, any social gathering for that matter, so to make things a little less intimidating for her, she decided it'd be best by not making eye contact with the interviewer right away. She stood and turned so she was facing the bustling city bellow and leaned back against her desk with her hands supporting her on either side.

Minutes later, the large, oak doors creaked open following with some muffled voices then the doors shut. (Y/N) kept her position as she heard the interviewers timid footsteps approach her desk followed by a deep voice clearing their throat as if to tell her that they were now in her presence.

"Uh, Ms. (Y/L/N)?" A male voice spoke. (Y/N) turned to face the man and was taken aback by what she saw.

He was not at all what she was expecting. He was tall, at least over six feet; he had soft looking chestnut brown hair; his facial features were sharp and striking; and his eyes were a pale shade of green which were encased by a pair of black glasses. Her heart seemingly fluttered at his appearance, a feeling that she had never experienced before. She knew, however, that it was not a time to gush over a man so she pushed all of her feelings aside.

"Sit," she ordered. Without any hesitation, the man dropped into one of the leather armchairs.

The man sat, anxiously tapping his pencil to the notepad he had in his lap, his facial expression evident that he had no idea where to start. (Y/N) noticed and thought she might as well make it easier on him by speaking first.

"What's your name?" She asked, taking a seat in her desk chair and clasping her hands on the dark wood.

"B-Bill... Bill Skarsgard," he replied, his voice low and timid.

"Pleasure to meet you, Bill," (Y/N) said, earning a small smile from the man.

"The pleasure is all mine, Ms. (Y/L/N)," Bill replied.

"Please, call me (Y/N)," she corrected. Bill nodded.

Bill then looked down at his notepad, his green eyes scanning the yellow page up and down.

"Just say whatever you have written down," (Y/N) spoke, noticing his growing anxiety.

Bill cleared his throat then did as told. "How, uh, how has your work affected your love life?" Bill asked, a hint of embarrassment in his words.

(Y/N) slowly nodded, somehow the question just didn't seem right coming out of his mouth.

"Is this your question?" She asked, resting her chin in the palm of her hand.

Bill anxiously chuckled. "If I'm going to be honest, my roommate Dan was supposed to conduct this interview but he fell ill so here I am," he confessed.

(Y/N) narrowed her eyes at Bill. "Well would you like to know the answer to that question?" She asked.

Bill looked a little taken aback but slowly nodded.

"I choose not to have a love life with the line of work I'm in but that doesn't mean I don't have a sex life," she replied, earning a small choke from Bill, his adam's apple bobbing at her words.

"And, if I want to fuck you, you'll know," she continued, rising from her chair and circling around the front of her desk where she leaned back to get a little more comfortable.

At her words, Bill's sharp cheeks turned a bright shade of red. Her eyes held a look of lust and power whereas his held a look of desire and uncertainty. He knew how much power she held and one wrong move could send him in a terrible direction. (Y/N) then took a seat in the chair next to him. She always told herself that she would never fall for a client or anyone in lower ranking than her because she didn't want anyone getting attached. But, there was something different about Bill. He gave off an aura that she had never experienced before. He seemed like he knew what he wanted but didn't know how to get it and she was about to give it to him.

"What's the next question?" She asked, her voice low and seductive.

Bill choked up as he looked down at his notepad. She knew he wanted her because she saw his growing bulge under his jeans. Before he could ask another question, (Y/N) reached across and took the notepad off of Bill's lap before tossing it behind her.

"Why don't we try something else to make you less nervous," she suggested as she lowered down on her knees in front of him.

"Is this okay?" she asked.

Bill nodded without any hesitation. "Y-Yes," he replied.

(Y/N)'s lips twitched up into a greedy grin.

"Relax, Bill," she said as she placed her hand on his chest and gently pushed him back so he was slouched in the chair.

Bill kept his eyes on (Y/N), the sight of her on her knees in front of him only making him want her more. (Y/N) then unzipped his jeans and pulled his boxers down so his growing member could bounce out. She was slightly surprised at how big it was, but it wasn't anything she couldn't handle. She slowly let her saliva drip down the tip then proceeded to use her hand to get him used to her feel. Her touch sent him into a euphoric state causing his eyes to shut and his head to roll back as all of his muscles relaxed. After a few seconds of using her hand to pleasure Bill, she decided to take it in her mouth where she then started bobbing her head up and down. His hard member stretched to the back of her throat as her hand massaged the base.

"Fuck," he grunted as his climax quickly approached.

"I-I'm close, (Y/N)," he breathed as she began to bob her head faster.

To make him feel even better, (Y/N) hollowed her cheeks and used her tongue.

Minutes later, Bill's breaths became staggered as his member twitched inside of her mouth meaning his high was about to hit.

"Fuck, (Y/N)," Bill growled, as his member released a warm liquid inside of her mouth. She smiled to herself knowing she had exceeded his expectations.

"Come back tomorrow for part two," she said, leaving Bill panting in the chair as she walked off to clean herself up in the bathroom.

Bill Skarsgård ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now