liar | roman

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They fought more than they didn't. They fought so much that it almost came as naturally to them as breathing did. 

Roman and (Y/N) were high school sweethearts who had fallen deeply in love with each other. So deep that when they graduated, they bought a house on the outskirts of Hemlock Grove and moved in together. They spent a few months in the honeymoon phase before it all slowly went downhill. Roman became too possessive over her, wouldn't even allow her to get a job seeing as though they had "more than enough money". That left her at home, bored out of mind as he spent the entirety of his days running his family business at the white tower. 

That afternoon, she sat on the back patio with a mug of tea in hand. She was beginning to realize how as days went on, the more her happiness seemed to disappear. (Y/N) realized that she did love Roman, but she was no longer in love with him. However, she didn't want to give up on what they had. 

(Y/N) decided that when he got home, she was going to be honest with him. She was going to lay out all of her feelings on the table for him to see, which wasn't something they did often. Maybe that's where the problem was: they never really talked. 

Hours passed and (Y/N) sat, staring at the clock. His work day usually ended at six but it was now eight. 

Eight soon turned to nine which turned to ten before she heard the front door unlock and Roman come in. 

"Where were you?" She asked, sitting at the table with glass of wine before her. 

He hung up his coat before walking over to the base of the stairs where he crossed his arms, leaning against the railing. "I stayed late to get work done," he said.

That seemed to be his excuse for the past few nights.

She lifted her eyes to his. "Can we talk?" She asked him. Roman pursed his lips in a tight line before he nodded and walked over to the table where he took a seat opposite (Y/N).

"What's wrong?" He said, reaching across and taking her hand in his, rubbing gentle circles with the pad of his thumb on the back of her hand. 

She missed his touch. She felt as though it had been years since she felt it.

Tears began to well in her eyes but she didn't allow them to spill over. "What's going on between us?" She asked him. "When did we change?"

Roman drew in a sharp breath as he released her hand,  falling back into the chair. Although he was looking at her, he wasn't looking at her in the way he used to; with desire and adoration. He hadn't in a very long time. 

"What do you mean?" He asked, his pale eyes empty. (Y/N)'s eyebrows knitted together as she crossed her arms over her chest. How cold he not realize? Was he seriously that ignorant?

"Oh come on, Roman," she said, rolling her eyes. "We never talk anymore. You leave before I wake up and get home after I'm asleep. You don't even touch me anymore. Did I do something wrong? Do you not love me anymore?" She asked, tears now escaping from the corners of her eyes. 

Roman scoffed. "Of course I love you, (Y/N). Don't be so foolish," he retorted. She could tell, in his eyes, that his word didn't mean anything. Not to him.

"Do you? Because I feel alone in this. I feel like you're here, but you aren't," she said quietly, looking down at her lap as she nervously picked at the hem of her shirt. 

Roman sighed before getting up and circling around the table and sitting in the chair next to her. He took her face in his hands and said, "I do love you, (Y/N). I always have and I always will." He then touched his lips to hers but she didn't feel the electricity like she used to.

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