party host | bill

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(Y/N) = Your/Name
(Y/F/N) = Your/Friend's/Name


"Come on,  (Y/F/N) , we went partying last weekend. Do we absolutely have to again tonight?" (Y/N) asked as she flopped down on the couch, her face buried in the cushion.

"Yes, (Y/N), we do. Want to know why we do?" She said as she poked her head out from the bathroom with a tube of mascara in hand.

(Y/N) cocked a brow, resting her head in the palm of her hand. "Why?"

"This isn't just any party. This is some celebrity's party in the hills," (Y/F/N) said with a proud smirk on her face before disappearing into the bathroom, again.

(Y/N) sat up with her legs crossed beneath her. "And which celebrity might that be?".

(Y/F/N) scoffed. "I don't know. I just got the invite through a friend who's friends with the celebrity."  (Y/N) rolled her eyes before sluggishly walking towards her room to get ready.

The taxi the two were riding in pulled up to a fairly large home in the hills. (Y/N)'s jaw dropped in awe as she eyed the beauty of the home. It was a home that looked as though it belonged in the Hampton's. It was absolutely gorgeous and exactly the kind of home a celebrity would reside in.

"Are you sure they'll let us in?" (Y/N) asked her friend as she payed the taxi driver and got out.

"My friend is waiting at the door for us so we're all good," she said. "Relax, (Y/N), just go have fun." (Y/F/N) swung her arm around (Y/N)'s shoulders as they began up the brick pathway and towards the house.

A couple of hours had passed and all (Y/N) had done was drink a little and dance a little but most of her time was spent on the couches or hiding in the bathroom. (Y/F/N) eventually went off on her own, seeking out the most attractive man at the party. She tried convincing (Y/N) to join her but she was in no mood for hooking up with some plastered man who wouldn't remember her the next morning. This left (Y/N) to fend for herself.

Throughout the night, a couple drunk men attempted to sweep her off her feet and into one of the many bedrooms the mansion had but (Y/N) found a way to get out of it each time.

She was standing at the bar, waiting for her drink when she felt a large hand graze her lower back. She looked up, slightly startled, to see a man with blonde hair looking down at her with lustful and dominating deep blue eyes

"Hey there, pretty thing," he said, his voice slurred and his breath reeking of alcohol. (Y/N) took a slight step back, breaking eye contact.

"Not interested," she bluntly said as the bartender handed her her drink.

"Oh come on, baby. Let me show you a good time. That's why you're here, isn't it?" He said as he tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Fuck off," she said in a firmer tone as she removed his hand from her face and trekked up the stairs and into the first bedroom she found that wasn't occupied. Once inside, she sat herself at the foot of the bed, seriously questioning why she let (Y/F/N) persuade her into coming.

Minutes later, the door to the room squeaked open. "You've got to be fucking kidding me," she saidd under her breath. The agitated women downed the last of her drink, readying herself for the drunk bastard to come stumbling in.

"I told you, I'm not interested," she said in a firm tone at the man as he entered.  Only, to her surprise, it wasn't the blonde. In fact, it was a taller man with darker hair who seemed a lot more put together, and sober.

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