Nightwing x Hero!Reader

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Imagine: You are a hero name Y/H/N  and you are a partner to another hero vigilante name Nightwing. You are Y/N L/N by day and Y/H/N by night. You are best friends to Dick Grayson and your hiding this secret from him but he is also hiding something from you too.

I was using my grappling hook, swinging from building to building meeting up with my partner, Nightwing, at the Batcave.

When I went inside the Batcave, I saw him and Batman at the Batcomputer. Nightwing smiled when he saw me.

"Y/H/N!" Nightwing said. "I was waiting for you."

"Sorry, I was busy taking down the smugglers." I said walking up to him

"Always found what you do best." He smiled

"So, ready for our patrol, Nightwing." I said

"Yes. I'm gonna go on patrol with Y/H/N, Batman." He said

Batman smiles and responded

"Okay, be careful you too." He said and started typing on the Batcomputer.

~Time Skip~

Me and Nightwing were perched at a random rooftop looking out in the city.

Nightwing just reminds me of Dick Grayson for some reason. The way how he talks, the way how he smiles, and the way how he acts. Dick is my best friend and I know me and him tell each other everything but this is a secret I can't tell. I have a crush on Dick, I'll tell him soon about who I am or what I do at night.

"Um Nightwing?" I said looking at him and he looks at me back

"Yes?" He said

"Have you ever told the people you care about, your secret identity?" I said

Nightwing looks at me and sighs.

"No." He said. "I do want to tell this one person. I kinda have a crush on her but I can't tell her about this."

"Who is it?" I said

"Her name is Y/N L/N." He said

My eyes widened when he said my name. I blinked a couple times and I walked up to Nightwing.

"Can you tell me your secret identity?" I said. "I could tell you mine. Richard."

His eyes widened.

"How do you know my secret identity?" He said

"Let's just say you should at least tell your own best friend sometime." I said removing my mask.

"Y/N?" He said removing his mask, revealing his beautiful blue eyes looking into into my E/C.

"Yes." I said. "And do you have a crush on m-" I was cut off with his lips attached to mine.

I was shocked but I slowly started kissing him back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist. We pulled away from the kiss and our foreheads were touching.

"So, does this mean were more than best friends?" I said

He smiled and he started rubbing my waist with his hands.

"Yes." He said "Y/N L/N, would you like to be my girlfriend?"

"Yes, I would love too, Dick Grayson." I said

He smiled and kissed me again and I kissed him back.

'Well I guess I have a relationship with my own, handsome partner.'  I thought

Next Batboy is Jason Todd. He would be Robin in the beginning and would be Red Hood after. Enjoy this new book!

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