The begining

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A/N: forgot to mention y/n is the son of Raven. Same age as yang. Ps ok made finally made this chapter better.)

(Y/n POV)
(Y/n mind) Why, what did I ever do to deserve this as I sit in my room, watching my sisters train. Oh well, this will be a good opportunity to get something to eat before they come back.

Y/n goes down stairs to get some food since weaklings don't deserve to eat (aka you) I went down stairs and just as I was about to open the fridge when *WAM* I get knocked in the head by yang,

Yang: what the hell do you think your doing? She asks

Y/n: I just wanted so food as you try to regain your composure. I have not eaten anything since yesterday just then Ruby, Taiyang, and uncle Qrow walk in.

Yang: dad, y/n is trying to take food without permission.

Taiyang: What! *SLAP* as I get slapped by Taiyang. How dare you take something without permission as he keeps on hitting me.

I just laid on the floor as the walk away, then ruby kicks me down as I was about to get up.

Ruby: oh no, your not going anywhere, we haven't had our "spar" yet.

Ruby and Yang dragged me outside and started beating on me, all I heard was the sound of squishing flesh and the cracking of bones as they pounded away at me. After, what felt like hours they left me outside, my body was black, blue and bloodied, this usually happens to me. I laid there for, a while until it was dark out, my body ached all over as I crawled to the front door to realize that it was locked.

Y/n: damn it's locked, I'm starting to wonder if they truly still cared about me.

I forced myself up I started walking away from the house and started thinking.

(Y/n) They don't actually love me they never did. I'm going to show all of them that I'm not weak that, I'll be the strongest fighter of them all, no matter the cost.

At that moment you hear a growl then you turn around and come face to face with a Beowulf, it lunges at you as you try to defend yourself, but it was useless as it digs its claws into your chest ripping in the skin off your flesh. You were losing to much blood as you start to slowly feel nothing and your eyes close.

A/n: and cliffhanger sorry if it seems short but this is my first write so let me know if there are things that I can fix up on.

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