My Happiness

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(A/n: sit down guys cause this is a long chapter.)

I look around to see if I can find Blake, but I couldn't find her anywhere. I then heard a couple people on the Balcony, I begin to climb up to see Blake and her mother talking.

(Kali) sweetie, you can't be like this forever, you have to move on.

(Blake) He promises he would come back.

(Kali) sweetie please, I know it's hard for you, but its just-

(Blake) I know what you think mom, just like everyone else you think he's gone, but I don't believe that. I'm sure that he is still in there somewhere. 

(Kali) Blake-

(Blake) please mother, I wish to be alone.

I see her look down and walks back inside the house. I grab the edge of the balcony and pulled myself up. I begin to walk behind her.

(Blake) listen Jaune, I'm not in the mood for your jokes.

(Y/n) good, because I don't know any.

She jumps a little and turns around suddenly.

(Y/n) he Blake, its me, Y/n.

She begins to tear up and hugs me like her life depended on it.

(Blake) please don't leave again.

(Y/n) don't worry Blake, I'm not going anywhere.

She begins to cry into my shoulder as her legs around my waist gets tighter and so does her hug. I really did not know what to say, all I knew is that I should hold her and not let go.

(Blake) Everyone thought you permanently turned into Wrath.

(Y/n) I had a... realization, with some special help.

(Blake) I'm so glad your back.

(Y/n) me too. *smiles* Happy Birthday by the way.

(Blake) *Smiles* Your an idiot.

(Y/n) I know I am.

She then lets go of me and realizes something.

(Blake) how are we going to introduce you?

(Y/n) I have a plan. Just don't do anything, let me handle this.

I walk down the stair, everyone turned there heads and were surprised to see me.

(Shade) what do you want Wrath?

(Y/n) I am not Wrath, I am Y/n.

(Shade) how do we know that your not lying.

I look around the room to see everyone is ready to fight me. I took a deep breath and I pull out my swords, they flinch at my actions, but waited for me. I toss them to the side, I did the one thing that I have never done in my life. I got on my knees, I put my hands on the ground and put my head to the floor.

(Blake's POV)
Y/n is bowing for forgiveness, he is willing to drop his pride.

(Y/n) please, I know the monster I have became, I know what I have done, and I hope that you are willing to look past my demons... I am asking for you to accept my apology, for hurting the ones you love, the ones I love... and if you don't forgive me, then punish me as you see fit. Either by death, or by never seeing you again.

I was shocked at what he is doing, he still hasn't moved from his spot. I looked around to see other people are shocked as well, until my dad is the first one to speak.

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