Conflict and Resolve

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(A/n: love this quote from guts. Any back to the chapter.)
(Ozpin) so your willing to kill a innocent girl.

(Y/n)... it wouldn't be the first.

(Ozpin) then don't make her be another victim.

(Y/n) why not, she has this power that could level this place to the ground, why not just kill her and kill the power with it.

(Ozpin) I'm trying to find another suitor.

(Y/n) fucking hell Ozpin, I've heard tales of what kind of power it holds, and if the tales I've heard are even half true. Then all the more reason to end the power, I've seen what power does to people.

(Ozpin) the suitor I have in mind will not misuse this power.

(Y/n) can you be certain?

(Ozpin) yes.

(Y/n) ok, let's say this suitor does use it for good, what happened if someone wants that power. They will try to take that power, and what happens if they succeed. Do you have a back up plan.

(Ozpin) yes, it is called beacon.

(Y/n) really, hunters and huntresses are your plan. So your going to keep throwing people at it, until one the opponent is defeated.

(Ozpin) we are training them so they can fight for and defeat whoever tries to steal that power.

(Y/n) LOOK AT HER!!! She had the power of the fall maiden and something did that to her! What happens, if that thing wanted that power from her. Then what?

(Ozpin) please try to see it from my perspective.

(Y/n) I am, and all I see is a girl in a life support pod with probably no will to live. I'm fuck up Ozpin, I've killed men, gutted women, hell I've even put down a child! But what your doing, your just dragging it on, until not even that machine can keep her alive.

(Ozpin) I see, is that how you feel.

(Y/n) yes, now I know where we stand, either I end her life, or you end mind.

I raise my sword to point at him.

(Ozpin) I would advise against it.

I dash forward to strike only to be blocked by his sword cane.

(Ozpin) y/n, I don't wish to fight.

I then head butted him and he stepped back.

(Y/n) does that answer your question.

He gets into his fighting stance.

(Ozpin) I tried to warn you.

He than dashes in front of me, before I can react he elbows me in the side, where my wound is at.

(Y/n) ARH!!

He then does a spin move and ends up behind me as he hits me in the back.

(Y/n) AHHH!!

I fall on the ground as he looks down on me.

(Ozpin) please, stop this nonsense. There is no need for fighting.

(Y/n mind) fuck that.

I struggle to get up on my feet, I am breathing heavily and I think my bandages are now a new shade of red.

(Ozpin) can't you understand, that I'm trying to transfer the power she has into someone else.

(Y/n) and can't you see how stupid that is, if that falls into the wrong hands, then we are fucked. It's better to destroy it so no one can have it.

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