A clash with a monkey

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(A/n: I know this chapter came out pretty fast, but I did put a lot of work into it, so enjoy.)

I follow Yang to meet up with Ruby and Weiss, which is basically back to their dorm. We arrive at the dorm to see Ruby with a surprise expression and Weiss with a disgust look on her face.

(Weiss) what is he doing here.

(Yang) he's here to help.

(Ruby) Y/n going to help.

(Y/n) don't get the wrong idea, this isn't some bonding moment or something, I still hate you guys.

(Weiss) I don't want to work with this boar.

(Y/n) listen hear princess, I'd rather get mauled by a  pack of beowolves then to work with you guys, the only reason why I'm doing this is to get Blake back.

We talked about our findings, the reason she was at Junior's bar is to ask him similar questions. So far we don't know where she is or if she is associated with. I showed them the map of all the dust factories and which ones has been hit and hasn't.

(Weiss) wait, how did you get this?

(Y/n) let's say I got it from someone.

After looking over the map I narrowed it down to two factories that would be the next target.

(Y/n) hmmm, if I were to rob one of these two places which one would I go for?

I looked at the time to see that it was midnight. Yangs has gone out to look some more, Ruby fell asleep, and Weiss... fuck if I know what she's doing. I decided to take my chances and pick one at random to go.

(Y/n) Ruby, wake up, I'm going to check out one of the factories that could get robbed.

(Ruby) hmm, not yet zwei, where not at cookie island yet.

(Y/n) she so out of it, fuck it I'll go alone.

Before I walked out, I started to feel the pain all over my body.

(Y/n) shit, not again.

I look at my wounds to see that some of the staples are coming out.

(Y/n) shit, I'm so close to finding her. I'm not going to fall till I found her.

I walk out and head to the factory.

(Time skip to the factory)

I'm hiding out to see if I can catch anyone.

(Y/n) I hope I'm right.

At that moment, two figures show up at the factory, one is a male, monkey Faunus with a staff and the other looks to be female, cat Faunus. I can only see the face of the monkey, but not the cat. The cat goes in first as he waits outside.

(Y/n) perfect.

I climb to the top of the building to where he is and put my sword at his neck.

(Y/n) if I were you, I wouldn't move a muscle.

He doesn't move.

(Y/n) now, I want a little chat with you and your buddy.

(???) listen, we don't want any trouble.

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