Bran's talk

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(Shade POV)

I enter the bullhead to see Yang waiting for me, she looks happy at to see me, but instantly turns to concern.

(Yang) where's Y/n?

(Shade) he's gone.

(Yang) what!?

(Shade) he lost all his will after he saw Blake die and wrath took over his mind, and I don't think he can come back.

(Yang) but she isn't dead!

(Shade) it didn't matter, he said Y/n was far to gone.

(Yang) My mom told me that him and Blake talked for a little bit, I don't know what though.

(Shade) l will tell her about the bad news. How is her condition anyway.

(Yang) the doctor said that she will pull through.

(Shade) let's get going.

We got into the bullhead and went to Atlas.

(Shade) why are we heading to Atlas?

(Yang) we took her there because they have the doctors around.

After a while we finally landed, we rushed over to the hospital where Blake was staying. When we got there, we saw Blake hooked up on a iv, we also saw a guy in a white coat with a notepad writing something down.

(Doctor) do not worry, she will be fine, she should be awake in the morning.

(Yang) can we stay with our friend?

(Doctor) I don't see a problem with it.

Just as he walks out Weiss, Pyrrha, Jaune, Ren, Nora, and Ruby came through the door.

(Ruby) What happened?

(Shade) Blake got injured, but don't worry, she'll make it.

(Jaune) and what about Y/n?

(Shade) ... he's.... he's gone.

(Pyrrha) what do you mean he's gone?

(Shade) Wrath took over his mind. He thought Blake sacrificed herself to save him

(Nora) why not tell him that she is alive.

(Shade) he is too far gone at the moment, maybe something will change?

I can feel the atmosphere getting heavier by the moment.

(Blake) is that true?

I turn around to see Blake sitting up and the verge of tears.

(Yang) Blake, you shouldn't be sitting up yet.

(Blake) is it true Shade... is he gone?

(Shade) .... he might be gone forever.

(Blake) he said he would come back to me.

It really breaks my heart seeing her like this, when you think things will get better, it take a turn for the worst. I hope Y/n can snap out of this.

(Wrath POV)

I stop somewhere in the forest to rest before I kill Salem, I told my pack of Grimm to stop and to put Cinder down in front of me. They did as they were told and went off somewhere away from me.

(Cinder) why did you send your Grimm pack away? Aren't you worried I might escape?

(Wrath) you won't, not in the condition your in, also if you try to run, I'll rip off your legs.

She seemed to get my message. I close my eyes and started to sleep.

(Bran) so... your Wrath.

I look to see Bran.

(Wrath) what of it.

(Bran) nothing, it's just I thought Y/n got rid of his imaginary friends.

(Wrath) the fuck you say to me.

(Bran) you heard me.

(Wrath) I am not some imaginary friend, I am the embodiment rage and hatred, and I will show everyone the true definition of brutality, the true definition of fear, and the true definition of power. I will break this worlds will, so that no one will even dream of standing up to me.

(Bran) cool story. So I asked him a question in the past , I asked him what is your motive to get stronger and what he will do with it? What are you gonna do with that power?

(Wrath) why do I have to answer that stupid question.

(Bran) if you tell me, I'll leave.

(Wrath) I will show this world that I am king, that I am the strongest, and that they will never stand up against me and they can never take anything away from me.

(Bran) hehehe, HAHAHAHA!!!!

(Wrath) what so funny?

(Bran) nothing, I'll leave.

(Wrath) no, you will stay and tell me what is so funny.

(Bran) let's just say it proves my theory.

(Wrath) tell me what your theory is.

(Bran) tell you what, beat Salem, sit on the thrown and tell everyone who's "king", then I'll tell you.

(Wrath) wait, how can you you think on your own, your just a memory.

(Bran) or am I.

I then wake up to see that it is almost dawn. I call my pack to get Cinder. I put my hand out and concentrated, then a large portal opened up.

(Wrath) next stop, Salem.

(A/n: I know this one is a short chapter, but this is the build up to what is to come after Wrath takes the throne. Hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you in the next chapter.)

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